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1 Jan 11, 2010 17:41    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3

So I'm playing with the very cool autolinks functionality and seem to be able to get it working without problem so long as it's one word I'm linking, but when I try two words, it doesn't seem to render.

So for example, let's say I want the two words "up down" to link to, the entry in definitions.local.txt would be, I think:


Alternatively, if I just wanted to link the word up to it would be:


The latter works but the former doesn't. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

One more question: getting autolinks to render on all old posts -- does it require going back and re-saving all prior posts? Anyway to do this all at once?

2 Jan 27, 2010 20:12

try with down;up;;

to render on all older posts you have to empty the page cache. you find the link under /admin.php?ctrl=tools

3 Jan 27, 2010 20:26

i noticed that autolinks works only for the first occurence in a post. i have many different definitions. i can use all of them in a single post but only the first gets linked. a bug?

4 Jan 27, 2010 22:41

Thanks I'll have to try this ... fortunately, in most of my pages there will be only one auto-linked instance.

5 Jan 27, 2010 23:24

ok, thanks.

to give you an idea of what i'm talking about. if i have these definitions:


and this text:

sofaspace and sofaspace shop and sofaspace store and osc and oscommerce and b2evo and b2evolution and b2evo plugins

i get this result:

<p><a href="">sofaspace</a> and sofaspace shop and sofaspace store and <a href="">osc</a> and oscommerce and <a href="">b2evo</a> and b2evolution and b2evo plugins</p>

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