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1 Jan 11, 2010 14:38    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.3

Hi there! I've done a clean b2evolution installation with the Mac OS's apache + mysql package. I'm currently doing a test on it and so there is no other user.

I notice the blog is loading extremely slow. Using the sample page, it takes about 50-60 secs to load a page. As if it is waiting for something...

Anyone knows what's the problem?

The machine I'm using is a dual G5 server so there should be no hardware performance limitation.

Also, one more question, does b2evolution contacts for every page I load in my blog?

2 Jan 11, 2010 18:53

pmaxv.cj wrote:

Also, one more question, does b2evolution contacts for every page I load in my blog?


You can enable debugging in conf/_advanced.php $debug = 1; This will show you internal timings and delays.

Install the FireBug extension in Firefox to check what b2evo is loading

3 Jan 12, 2010 01:23

Is there a way to support HTTP proxy when b2e gets update from the RPC server?

I found that b2e actually contacts server for every page it loads. And taking off the server address in $evonetsrv_host in _advanced.php solved the problem. For your information, my network is actually running behind a proxy server.

4 Jan 12, 2010 01:36

It's easier to disable b2evo updates. Add this somewhere in cons/_advanced.php

$allow_evo_stats = false;

5 Jan 12, 2010 01:46

sam2kb wrote:

It's easier to disable b2evo updates. Add this somewhere in conf/_advanced.php

$allow_evo_stats = false;

Thanks. I've also found the proxy solution.

I've changed the following variables in the file blogs/inc/_ext/xmlrpc/

var $proxy = "proxy-server";
var $proxyport = port-number;

Now b2e can contact the RPC.

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