2 n0tird Feb 01, 2010 13:54

You'll be extremely lucky to find a 0.9.x expert on the forums, current versions are 2.4.7 && 3.3.3
¥åßßå wrote:
You'll be extremely lucky to find a 0.9.x expert on the forums, current versions are 2.4.7 && 3.3.3
even if you dont know a bit about that guy, take a look at his join date, post count and all, if he is saying the above, you really gotta be out of luck.
Read your pm, i d love to help you, but i have joined the community at 2007 where early 2.x state, so i wouldnt know about 0.x series..
Depending how worse the situation is; you can still try upgrading or exporting your data and importing to a new install, where the latter is a bit more difficult.
As you say your only problem is with the looks -menus - and not the data, i would highly recommend you switch to a default skin (custom,basic) and upgrade to one above stable version
Can I please have your msn id or skype id or any chat you use so I can give you access to my page I sent you an pm but it still on outbox it is not comin' so please give me your id I'll send you full access to the page.
Thank you,
You'd probably have more chance if you pm'd me, I've run a 0.9.x install in the past so I'm probably the nearest you'll get to an expert
Minimum requirements :
web url (duh, obviously )
admin login for blog in question
ftp login for server in question ( although ssh would be cooler )
Note : I'm a smidge busy at the moment, so don't expect an instant answer.
I seriously advise you to consider upgrading though ( to 2.4.7 )
Well I have tried to PM you aswell it is still on outbox please add me to skype or msg me your skype id.
My skype id is.
¥åßßå wrote:
Note : I'm a smidge busy at the moment, so don't expect an instant answer.
based on the details you sent me you're hosted with servage? ... I personally would never host with them because even their vps's are hackable ( I speak from experience ) ... I'm sure they have millions of happy customers.
i don't share my skype/msn ... mainly cos I don't have them ... but you can usually find me on irc @ freenode.net
Will any one reply and ask me for the link please it is just a problem with the index.php file I would really appreciate some help.
I wait from b2evolution experts since this is for them just 1 min so please help me.
Thank you,