2 graham Aug 09, 2004 21:52

could u explain me better coss i'm a complete newbie.
thanks in advice.
This isn't included with b2evolution. You'll need to look elsewhere for this script. http://www.hotscripts.com is a good place to start.
this i know :P , any script you know that works with b2evo and how to add it on the side bar. thanks.
every php-poll should work with b2evo.
the sidebar is located in skins/yourskinname/_main.php - just open the file and take a look. it's not difficult.
take any poll and follow the instructions on how to add it to a website.
I use blogpolling which works perfectly :D
But it would be nice if you could manage polls from the backoffice. How hard is it to write a plugin that can be managed from the backoffice? I'm thinking about doing something like a port of MT-BookqueueToo, a "currently reading" plugin. But I would want to be able to add books from the B2e backoffice.
I would like to see this added to b2e as well. If I use one from say hotscripts etc. could I add the poll to a post rather than on the sidebar?
Is there maybe an easy way to have any 3rd party poll software work with the same users as b2e? That way people won't have to log in separately and all... Just an idea, would love to know if someone managed this...
I know people probably get tired of hearing this, but the next major release will have more plugin hooks and it might not be too hard to make a plugin like this. Right now, it would be tricky. I've been using [url=http://www.proxy2.de/scripts.php]Advanced Poll[/url] with some pretty good results.
When's the next release?
And I have never looked at the b2e code other than styles and all, so it'd take me a while to "get good results". Thanks for the link though...
next release will be for this summer.
Summer ends the 20th of septembre ;)
Wow. I haven't heard anyone put a time range on it. That's awesome. I'm really excited about the next version.
Reinhardt wrote:
Is there maybe an easy way to have any 3rd party poll software work with the same users as b2e? That way people won't have to log in separately and all... Just an idea, would love to know if someone managed this...
I cooked up some polls on [url=http://hamtramckstar.com/]my blog[/url] using:
It's not exactly easy to set up but I'd share my code if anybody's interested.
personman wrote:
I know people probably get tired of hearing this, but the next major release will have more plugin hooks and it might not be too hard to make a plugin like this. Right now, it would be tricky. I've been using [url=http://www.proxy2.de/scripts.php]Advanced Poll[/url] with some pretty good results.
I have Advance Poll installed and working on my server but I'm having trouble integrating it with the side bar of b2evo. I copy/pasted the code snippets in the appropriate places and the poll shows up perfectly. However, when an option is submitted via the vote button or when you click view results, an error message comes up (basically a 404).
The path to the poll files is not the same as the path the blog is in. I have tried to alter the path in the config to be more absolute, but it does not help. How did you get yours to work correctly?
Thanks for any help you can give me.
I'm actually not using it any more. When I changed web hosts a few months ago it stopped working so I removed it from the skin. I'm really hoping someone will make a plugin that integrates flawlessly and can be controlled through the b2evolution backoffice.
I'm wondering if there are any updates on this subject.
I tried using Advanced Poll but had problems with the paths/urls.
What are others using for polls?
Thanks in advance,
I've got a plugin written that puts a poll in the sidebar and the controls for it in the back office. It's for b2evolution 1.8, which isn't released yet.
You could use an outside provider for this, or another script, I guess, but this isn't included with b2evolution.