1 kimberly Mar 05, 2010 22:22
3 kimberly Mar 05, 2010 23:00
Uploading the inc folder did not cure the problem. I even tried it a couple of times changing the upload file type.
$this->display_line_start( $this->current_idx == count($this->rows)-1, $fadeout_line );
foreach( $this->cols as $col )
{ // For each column:
// Contents to output:
$output = $this->parse_col_content( $col['td'] );
#pre_dump( '{'.$output.'}' );
$out = eval( "return '$output';" );
// fp> <input> is needed for checkboxes in the Blog User/Group permissions table > advanced
echo ( trim(strip_tags($out,'<img><input>')) === '' ? ' ' : $out );
My guess this is not a code problem, but is caused by a variable not being set properly somewhere?
Everything other than not displaying the action icons seems to work. I can click on the user's name and bring up the user's profile.
4 kimberly Mar 11, 2010 02:48
5 sam2kb Mar 11, 2010 03:30
Open the file inc/users/views/_user_list.view.php line 280
You should see similar code
$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Actions'),
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td' => action_icon( T_('Edit this user...'), 'edit', '%regenerate_url( \'action\', \'user_ID=$user_ID$\' )%' )
.action_icon( T_('Duplicate this user...'), 'copy', '%regenerate_url( \'action\', \'action=new_user&user_ID=$user_ID$\' )%' )
.'¤conditional( (#user_ID# != 1) && (#nb_blogs# < 1) && (#user_ID# != '.$current_User->ID.'), \''
.action_icon( T_('Delete this user!'), 'delete', '%regenerate_url( \'action\', \'action=delete_user&user_ID=$user_ID$\' )%' ).'\', \''
.get_icon( 'delete', 'noimg' ).'\' )¤'
See if you get an error if you simplify the code to
$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Actions'),
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td' => 'GGG',
If the error is gone try adding lines until you find the "bad" one
$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Actions'),
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td' => action_icon( T_('Edit this user...'), 'edit', '%regenerate_url( \'action\', \'user_ID=$user_ID$\' )%' ),
$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Actions'),
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td' => action_icon( T_('Edit this user...'), 'edit', '%regenerate_url( \'action\', \'user_ID=$user_ID$\' )%' )
.action_icon( T_('Duplicate this user...'), 'copy', '%regenerate_url( \'action\', \'action=new_user&user_ID=$user_ID$\' )%' ),
6 kimberly Mar 12, 2010 20:22
I had an apostrophe in the folder name which held the b2evolution files. Now of course in the URL it was a %27 which I thought was OK, but this was tripping up b2evolution. Not sure if this can be thought of as a bug or not, but I will report it in the bug section anyway to allow the authors know of the situation. For now, I removed the apostrophe from the folder name. As OSes and applications gain in power and complexity we are allowed more things, such as long file names with complex structures.
I tried escaping the apostrophe in the base URL but that did not seem to work. I hope perhaps that since I have tracked down what was causing the error, that some of the readers here can figure out a solution where I can return to using the apostrophe.
I would upload the inc/ directory again.