1 dcibrando Apr 11, 2010 17:48
3 dcibrando Apr 11, 2010 21:50
seriously? install an older version to make it faster? yikes...
will I also lose my existing blogs, etc.
4 sam2kb Apr 11, 2010 23:29
You are talking to a conservative guy ;)
You shouldn't see the difference if your server has internet access (i.e. not a localhost)
5 sam2kb Apr 11, 2010 23:33
6 dcibrando Apr 12, 2010 12:31
It was installed automatically from IPower's InstallCentral portion of the admin page so I didn't have a way to enter a database host field
I see this in the information:
Database: sullivancentr_IC_######
7 yabba Apr 12, 2010 18:09
sam2kb wrote:
You are talking to a conservative guy ;)
Lol, gotta love how being against spyware and spam is classed as conservative ;)
Note : Clocks running to see how fast the current mods cope with the spam on the forums, the post above is the start time ;)
8 dcibrando Apr 12, 2010 18:54
anyone have any tips for me to speed up response time?
9 yabba Apr 12, 2010 19:32
Add the following to /conf/_basic_config.php
$allow_evo_stats = false;
Ohh, just so you don't get paranoid, there *was* a spam post between yours and mine,since deleted, apparently some of our mods care about spam! How cool is that :D
Try installing 2.4.7 and seeing if that works faster ;)