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1 Jul 19, 2010 14:16    

My b2evolution Version:

I have an aggregator/archive page which will list all the posts by date. However, to make things easier to browse, it would be great to separate each month/year of posts by a heading (ie. May 2010, posts list, June 2010, posts list, etc.)

I found these old threads:

But have no idea how to make them work for a 3.3.1 version.

My archives list is here:
You can see I've already got the list happening, I just need to add in separating headers for each month/year.

3 Jul 20, 2010 06:45

Yes, I'm familiar with the arcdir file/display (and the archives widget). However, I don't want a list of months, with a link to each bunch of posts; I want something more like this

A list of all posts on one page, with headings separating them into month/year. As explained in my OP.

(EDIT: Please also note that my signature URL is not the site I'm working on, and the link given in my OP is the correct website to check for an idea of what I'm working on)

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