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1 Oct 03, 2010 08:18    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Hi there

I'm using b2evolution v 3.3.3. and have just installed it a few weeks back. Today is the first time I've had a bit of time to start learning how to configure it.

When I went to my website today, I was shocked to see a logo from one of my other websites, displayed as a tiled image all over the blog pages, all over the admin pages, basically, everywhere.

Here is the link:

The logo that is showing up belongs to another site on the same share host,

So I thought well maybe I had uploaded this image somewhere, so I logged into admin to try find where it could have been uplaoded, find the properties of the image and restore the original graphic.

So I logged into admin, and the first instanceof the ads logo I found was under the files link, showing as two small icons on the left hand side.

I right clicked them, clicked properties, and it gave me this link:

But when I checked that graphic on the server, it is not the ads logo, it is the original graphic that came with the installation.

So I tried another link in admin, I clicked "Groups & users" and I found the ads logo displayed as a little gift many times on the right hand side, on eac blogs row.

The properties link for the ads log shows as

But of course, when I check on the server, edit. gif is not that logo, its the original image.

So now I realise that is must be something in one of the settings that i need to fix.

I tookscreenshots in png and jpg format and uploaded them to my server at but when I tried viewing them, they redirected me to the ads site.

So I've uploaded them in pdf format, can be downloaded here:

Can anyone advise what to do about this? Its showing on all the blogs.

Any help at all would be highly appreciated.

Thank you!

2 Oct 09, 2010 04:52

Welcome to the forum.

You should rename the file .htaccess in your root directory. Also paste its content here.

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