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1 Dec 06, 2010 01:23    

When i hit "Reset" button in skin settings it does not do anything. What is it supposed to do ? am i missing something here ?

i have tried the button with 3.3 and 4x with different skins with different browsers, nothing happens

2 Dec 06, 2010 03:49

This button doesn't load default settings. Try changing some values and then click reset button (before you saved the form).

Pretty stupid function. I think it would be better to load defaults instead.

3 Dec 06, 2010 04:37

sam2kb wrote:

This button doesn't load default settings. Try changing some values and then click reset button (before you saved the form).

Pretty stupid function. I think it would be better to load defaults instead.

Oh, i did not notice what it does until you said so.

Totally agree it's absolutely unnecessary, and a load defaults button is needed.

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