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1 Jan 11, 2011 17:23    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.3

Is there a way to display custom headers or sidebars based on the category being viewed inside of a blog? Like a category skin or template?

2 Jan 11, 2011 22:03

Use the following code to check what category you are on, put the code in index.main.php after skin_init( $disp ); call.

global $Messages, $cat;
if( !empty($cat) && is_numeric($cat) )
		case 44: // Category with ID 44
			$Messages->add('Viewing category #44');
			add_css_headline('.bPost { color:red }'); // add custom CSS styles
		case 55:
			$Messages->add('Viewing category #55');
			add_css_headline('.bPost { color:green }');
			$Messages->add('Viewing other categories');
	$Messages->add('Not a category');

Later in skin you can use this to display conditional HTML

global $cat
if( !empty($cat) && is_numeric($cat)  )
	if( $cat == 567 )
		echo '<p>Some HTML goes here</p>';
	elseif( $cat == 123 )
		echo '<h2>Whatever</h2>';

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