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1 Jan 14, 2011 01:52    

I have a problem with my upgraded blog:
I'm unable to post comment. I don't understand what that mean, if someone could help me! ;-)

Requête invalide!

Les paramètres de votre requête sont invalides.

Si vous avez obtenu cette erreur en cliquant sur un lien A L'INTERIEUR de ce site, merci de signaler le lien erroné à l'administrateur.

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Informations additionnelles à propos de cette erreur:

Missing crumb [comment] -- It looks like this request is not legit.

bad_request_die( "Missing crumb [comment] -- It looks like this request is not legit." )
File: /opt/lampp/www/blog/inc/sessions/model/_session.class.php on line 555
Session->assert_received_crumb( "comment" )
File: /opt/lampp/www/blog/htsrv/comment_post.php on line 113
Ignored last: 1

EDIT: Solved my problem by a clue on this [url=]post[/url]. Updating to the 4.0.3 new and it's ok.

2 Jan 26, 2011 19:16

i have the very same error.I tried deleting and replacing the ones in my skin folder with the ones from the ../skins folder and still nothing has changed.What's going on ?

here is my &

 * This is the template that displays a single comment
 * This file is not meant to be called directly.
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2010 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * @package evoskins
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

// Default params:
$params = array_merge( array(
    'comment_start'  => '<div class="bComment">',
    'comment_end'    => '</div>',
		'link_to'		     => 'userurl>userpage',		// 'userpage' or 'userurl' or 'userurl>userpage' or 'userpage>userurl'
    'Comment'        => NULL, // This object MUST be passed as a param!
	), $params );

 * @var Comment
$Comment = & $params['Comment'];

<!-- ========== START of a COMMENT/TB/PB ========== -->
	echo $params['comment_start'];
	<div class="bCommentTitle">
		switch( $Comment->get( 'type' ) )
			case 'comment': // Display a comment:
				if( empty($Comment->ID) )
				{	// PREVIEW comment
					echo T_('PREVIEW Comment from:').' ';
				{	// Normal comment
					$Comment->permanent_link( array(
							'before'    => '',
							'after'     => ' '.T_('from:').' ',
							'text' 			=> T_('Comment'),
							'nofollow'	=> true,
						) );
				$Comment->author2( array(
						'before'       => ' ',
						'after'        => '#',
						'before_user'  => '',
						'after_user'   => '#',
						'format'       => 'htmlbody',
						'link_to'		   => $params['link_to'],		// 'userpage' or 'userurl' or 'userurl>userpage' or 'userpage>userurl'
						'link_text'    => 'preferredname',
					) );

				$Comment->msgform_link( $Blog->get('msgformurl') );
				// $Comment->author_url( '', ' &middot; ', '' );

			case 'trackback': // Display a trackback:
				$Comment->permanent_link( array(
						'before'    => '',
						'after'     => ' '.T_('from:').' ',
						'text' 			=> T_('Trackback'),
						'nofollow'	=> true,
					) );
				$Comment->author( '', '#', '', '#', 'htmlbody', true );

			case 'pingback': // Display a pingback:
				$Comment->permanent_link( array(
						'before'    => '',
						'after'     => ' '.T_('from:').' ',
						'text' 			=> T_('Pingback'),
						'nofollow'	=> true,
					) );
				$Comment->author( '', '#', '', '#', 'htmlbody', true );
	<?php $Comment->rating(); ?>
	<div class="bCommentText">
	<div class="bCommentSmallPrint">
			$Comment->edit_link( '', '', '#', '#', 'permalink_right' ); /* Link to backoffice for editing */
			$Comment->delete_link( '', '', '#', '#', 'permalink_right' ); /* Link to backoffice for deleting */

		<?php $Comment->date() ?> @ <?php $Comment->time( 'H:i' ) ?>
  echo $params['comment_end'];
<!-- ========== END of a COMMENT/TB/PB ========== -->

 * $Log:,v $

 * This is the template that displays the comment form for a post
 * This file is not meant to be called directly.
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2010 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * @package evoskins
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

global $cookie_name, $cookie_email, $cookie_url;
global $comment_allowed_tags, $comments_use_autobr;
global $comment_cookies, $comment_allow_msgform;
global $PageCache;

// Default params:
$params = array_merge( array(
		'disp_comment_form'	   =>	true,
		'form_title_start'     => '<h3>',
		'form_title_end'       => '</h3>',
		'form_title_text'      => T_('Leave a comment'),
		'policy_text'          => '',
		'textarea_lines'       => 10,
		'default_text'         => '',
		'preview_start'        => '<div class="bComment" id="comment_preview">',
		'comment_template'     => '',	// The template used for displaying individual comments (including preview)
		'preview_end'          => '</div>',
	), $params );

 * Comment form:
if( $params['disp_comment_form'] && $Item->can_comment() )
{ // We want to display the comments form and the item can be commented on:

	if( $Comment = $Session->get('core.preview_Comment') )
	{	// We have a comment to preview
		if( $Comment->item_ID == $Item->ID )
		{ // display PREVIEW:

			// We do not want the current rendered page to be cached!!

			// ------------------ PREVIEW COMMENT INCLUDED HERE ------------------
			skin_include( $params['comment_template'], array(
					'Comment'              => & $Comment,
					'comment_start'        => $params['preview_start'],
					'comment_end'          => $params['preview_end'],
				) );
			// Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
			// /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
			// ---------------------- END OF PREVIEW COMMENT ---------------------

			// Form fields:
			$comment_content = $Comment->original_content;
			// for visitors:
			$comment_author = $Comment->author;
			$comment_author_email = $Comment->author_email;
			$comment_author_url = $Comment->author_url;

		// delete any preview comment from session data:
		$Session->delete( 'core.preview_Comment' );
	{ // New comment:
		$Comment = new Comment();
		if( $PageCache->is_collecting )
		{	// This page is going into the cache, we don't want personal data cached!!!
			// fp> These fields should be filled out locally with Javascript tapping directly into the cookies. Anyone JS savvy enough to do that?
      $comment_author = '';
			$comment_author_email = '';
			$comment_author_url = '';
			$comment_author = isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) ? trim($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) : '';
			$comment_author_email = isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_email]) ? trim($_COOKIE[$cookie_email]) : '';
			$comment_author_url = isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_url]) ? trim($_COOKIE[$cookie_url]) : '';
		if( empty($comment_author_url) )
		{	// Even if we have a blank cookie, let's reset this to remind the bozos what it's for
			$comment_author_url = 'http://';

		$comment_content =  $params['default_text'];

	if( $PageCache->is_collecting )
	{	// This page is going into the cache, we don't want personal data cached!!!
		// fp> These fields should be filled out locally with Javascript tapping directly into the cookies. Anyone JS savvy enough to do that?
		// Get values that may have been passed through after a preview
		param( 'comment_cookies', 'integer', NULL );
		param( 'comment_allow_msgform', 'integer', NULL ); // checkbox

		if( is_null($comment_cookies) )
		{ // "Remember me" checked, if remembered before:
			$comment_cookies = isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) || isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_email]) || isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_url]);

	echo $params['form_title_start'];
	echo $params['form_title_text'];
	echo $params['form_title_end'];

	echo '<script type="text/javascript">
		  /* <![CDATA[ */
		  function validateCommentForm(form)
		      if( form.p.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"").length == 0 )
				  alert("'.TS_('Please do not send empty comments.').'");
				  return false;
		  /* ]]> */

	$Form = new Form( $htsrv_url.'comment_post.php', 'bComment_form_id_'.$Item->ID, 'post' );
	$Form->begin_form( 'bComment', '', array( 'target' => '_self', 'onsubmit' => 'return validateCommentForm(this);' ) );

	// TODO: dh> a plugin hook would be useful here to add something to the top of the Form.
	//           Actually, the best would be, if the $Form object could be changed by a plugin
	//           before display!

	$Form->add_crumb( 'comment' );
	$Form->hidden( 'comment_post_ID', $Item->ID );
	$Form->hidden( 'redirect_to',
			// Make sure we get back to the right page (on the right domain)
			// fp> TODO: check if we can use the permalink instead but we must check that application wide,
			// that is to say: check with the comments in a pop-up etc...
			// url_rel_to_same_host(regenerate_url( '', '', $Blog->get('blogurl'), '&' ), $htsrv_url)
			// fp> what we need is a regenerate_url that will work in permalinks
			// fp> below is a simpler approach:
			$Item->get_feedback_url( $disp == 'feedback-popup', '&' )

	if( is_logged_in() )
	{ // User is logged in:
		$Form->info_field( T_('User'), '<strong>'.$current_User->get_preferred_name().'</strong>'
			.' '.get_user_profile_link( ' [', ']', T_('Edit profile') ) );
	{ // User is not logged in:
		// Note: we use funky field names to defeat the most basic guestbook spam bots
		$Form->text( 'u', $comment_author, 40, T_('Name'), '', 100, 'bComment' );
		$Form->text( 'i', $comment_author_email, 40, T_('Email'), '<br />'.T_('Your email address will <strong>not</strong> be revealed on this site.'), 100, 'bComment' );
		$Form->text( 'o', $comment_author_url, 40, T_('Website'), '<br />'.T_('Your URL will be displayed.'), 100, 'bComment' );

	if( $Item->can_rate() )
	{	// Comment rating:
		echo $Form->begin_field( NULL, T_('Your vote'), true );
		echo $Form->end_field();

	if( !empty($params['policy_text']) )
	{	// We have a policy text to display
		$Form->info_field( '', $params['policy_text'] );

	echo '<div class="comment_toolbars">';
	$Plugins->trigger_event( 'DisplayCommentToolbar', array() );
	echo '</div>';

	// Message field:
	$note = '';
	// $note = T_('Allowed XHTML tags').': '.htmlspecialchars(str_replace( '><',', ', $comment_allowed_tags));
	$Form->textarea( 'p', $comment_content, $params['textarea_lines'], T_('Comment text'), $note, 40, 'bComment' );

	// set b2evoCanvas for plugins
	echo '<script type="text/javascript">var b2evoCanvas = document.getElementById( "p" );</script>';

	$comment_options = array();

	if( substr($comments_use_autobr,0,4) == 'opt-')
		$comment_options[] = '<label><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="comment_autobr" tabindex="6"'
													.( ($comments_use_autobr == 'opt-out') ? ' checked="checked"' : '' )
													.' value="1" /> '.T_('Auto-BR').'</label>'
													.' <span class="note">('.T_('Line breaks become &lt;br /&gt;').')</span>';

	if( ! is_logged_in() )
	{ // User is not logged in:
		$comment_options[] = '<label><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="comment_cookies" tabindex="7"'
													.( $comment_cookies ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ).' value="1" /> '.T_('Remember me').'</label>'
													.' <span class="note">('.T_('Name, email &amp; website').')</span>';
		// TODO: If we got info from cookies, Add a link called "Forget me now!" (without posting a comment).

		$comment_options[] = '<label><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="comment_allow_msgform" tabindex="8"'
													.( $comment_allow_msgform ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ).' value="1" /> '.T_('Allow message form').'</label>'
													.' <span class="note">('.T_('Allow users to contact you through a message form (your email will <strong>not</strong> be revealed.').')</span>';
		// TODO: If we have an email in a cookie, Add links called "Add a contact icon to all my previous comments" and "Remove contact icon from all my previous comments".

	if( ! empty($comment_options) )
		echo $Form->begin_field( NULL, T_('Options'), true );
		echo implode( '<br />', $comment_options );
		echo $Form->end_field();

	$Plugins->trigger_event( 'DisplayCommentFormFieldset', array( 'Form' => & $Form, 'Item' => & $Item ) );

		echo '<div class="input">';

		$Form->button_input( array( 'name' => 'submit_comment_post_'.$Item->ID.'[save]', 'class' => 'submit', 'value' => T_('Send comment'), 'tabindex' => 10 ) );
		$Form->button_input( array( 'name' => 'submit_comment_post_'.$Item->ID.'[preview]', 'class' => 'preview', 'value' => T_('Preview'), 'tabindex' => 9 ) );

		$Plugins->trigger_event( 'DisplayCommentFormButton', array( 'Form' => & $Form, 'Item' => & $Item ) );

		echo '</div>';

	<div class="clear"></div>


 * $Log:,v $

Form is loading...