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1 Mar 29, 2011 23:57    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.3

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I want that RSS stuff (what I've called navbarright) up in the submenu (white) bar. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

I'm basically totally redesigning the Vastitude skin to fit wider screens and I want that RSS deal up top...

2 Mar 30, 2011 01:01

Put your custom code in a Free Html widget in the NavBar container. Surround each item with <li></li> tags and it will be styled like everything else in that container.

I'm basically totally redesigning the Vastitude skin to fit wider screens and I want that RSS deal up top...

My 4:3 1024x768 desktop resents all that wideness. ;)

3 Mar 30, 2011 01:29

Thanks - the problem is that I want it all the way over on the right. I was hoping I could just hard code it in the php & css. Sorry about the wideness - just couldn't handle the ultra-narrow skins available... I'm jaded with a 1920px wide screen - EVERYTHING looks small to me :)

4 Mar 30, 2011 02:07

I was hoping I could just hard code it in the php & css.

Something like:

<div class="my-fancy-new-class">My hard-coded php that displays the RSS logo and junk</div>

Then in your CSS

.my-fancy-new-class {
  float: right;

5 Mar 30, 2011 02:45

Here's the code you're seeing now:

PHP: (which is in the div class="submenu" section)

<div id="navbarright">
	if( $Blog->get_setting( 'feed_content' ) != 'none' )
	{ // auto-discovery urls
		<img src="img/rss.gif" alt="Subscribe to this blog" title="Subscribe to this blog"/> <strong>Subscribe:</strong> <a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rss2_url', 'raw' ) ?>">RSS</a> | <a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'atom_url', 'raw' ) ?>">Atom</a>



#navbarright {

	width: 250px;

	font-size: 16px;

	float: right;

	margin: 0px;

	padding: 20px 0px 0px 0px;


#navbarright img {

	vertical-align: text-top;


6 Mar 30, 2011 03:06

ul#mainnav {
    display: inline-block;}

.widget_core_colls_list_public.widget_plugin_sorted_bloglist {
float: left;}

add the above two lines and you will be fine..

and also, you would like to remove the unnecessary 20px padding top from your right rss stuff i guess..

#navbarright {
    padding: 20px 0 0;

7 Mar 30, 2011 06:57

Excellent - that seems to have worked...except that it made the mainnav bar thicker (in height) which I can't figure out how to squeeze back down...

8 Mar 30, 2011 14:14

Ethan5150 wrote:

Excellent - that seems to have worked...except that it made the mainnav bar thicker (in height) which I can't figure out how to squeeze back down...

because the left nav has an unnecessary margin-bottom:

ul#mainnav {
    margin: 0 0 20px 25px;

9 Mar 30, 2011 21:42

Perfect - thanks again!

On a separate note, do you have any other ideas on the ShareThis problem I posted about? Nobody has been able to figure this out and it seems like a pretty significant issue (not being able to use the ShareThis on Intro posts)...I've got 3 sites now that I need to fix this on...

10 Mar 30, 2011 22:01

Ethan5150 wrote:

On a separate note, do you have any other ideas on the ShareThis problem I posted about? Nobody has been able to figure this out and it seems like a pretty significant issue (not being able to use the ShareThis on Intro posts)...I've got 3 sites now that I need to fix this on...

I have no idea what an intro post is or how it is utilized.. never got into those new post-types, so i wont be able to make guesses

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