My b2evolution Version: 4.0.5
I am wishing to put a blog on my website not as the homepage. From my web host's blog software options, I believe B2 will be the best.
I read through the FAQs and understand what is being said about the stub files, although I don't understand the process of what needs to be done.
Let's say that I wish to put my blog on
From the stub files info page in the "docs" section here, I would need to create a php file in my "blog" subdirectory. How do I create this php file? I know I need to put my blog ID # in this php file, and that number is in the B2 admin page.
I also need to change the URL in the B2 Back Office.
Pretty much, a step by step guide would be greatly appreciated by me.
Thank you
I'd really appreciate some help here if someone has the info.