2 tilqicom Jun 12, 2011 22:27

Thanks, I have actually started to deconstruct Wordbooker, but it includes allot of added functions which I am not really interested in, so it's quite the mission to separate the useful code from the crap.
Will search for other types of wp plugins for facebook and see where I end up.
Thanks and let me know how your plugin comes along in the meantime.
How are you getting on with this?
I couldnt find much time on this, how are you doing Achillis ?
Hey, I got sidelined with several other projects, will see if I can finalize this in January/February 2012.
Are we there yet? ;)
Will your plugin support posting an item on my wall pointing to my new article. Like a kind of facebook ping?
Could you describe what your plugin will do?
Seems like both of us havent made any progress.. at least i havent..
It shouldnt be that hard to derive one from a working wp plugin but just need to find some time..
Yeah. Already started to work on one, but it goes slow due to that other projects takes precedence.
Achillis, can you share the source code on svn so that we could work together ? I'd be glad to help as i can.
I've thought of starting one today, basic things such as like button, like box or comments box are easy.
However comment sync between db & fb, posting on facebook wall etc. are rather complicated and kinda beyond my knowledge.
Take a look at "simple facebook connect" plugin for wordpress, that's by far the best i ve used yet.We can try to port it here.
The Like button and comments thing are simple.... I got some source code from a Wordpress plugin which I am looking at adapting for b2evo. It's pretty complicated... it has nice features such as that you can select whether to post to your profile or fanpage as you publish on your blog... which is what I really want. Do you want me to share the source files with you for this?
Achillis wrote:
The Like button and comments thing are simple.... I got some source code from a Wordpress plugin which I am looking at adapting for b2evo. It's pretty complicated... it has nice features such as that you can select whether to post to your profile or fanpage as you publish on your blog... which is what I really want. Do you want me to share the source files with you for this?
yea that would be great, instead of doing same things twice we could work on same plugin.
Which plugin are you looking forward to adapt ? Did you check that "simple facebook connect" plugin too ? I have also done quite some research and that looked the best to me in terms of functionality
I got that, looking into it. The thing is there are allot of wordpress junc it there.
Achillis wrote:
I got that, looking into it. The thing is there are allot of wordpress junc it there.
yea, its sometimes hard to find equivalent functions in evocore but still, its structure is good i think
Will B2evo have a simular one click copy facebook user function sooner or later ?
it is an important part of decision on what blogsoftware to use for us.
Yes, absolutely, we are working on social login/registration for twitter/facebook/google.
Was progress made on posting blog posts to facebook? I've found the 'post to twitter' functionality and it works well but I don't see posting to facebook. The web requires social media visibility these days.
In my opinion, full social-media integration is a must-have function that b2evo is still lacking and is why I still use wordpress for any serious business-related blogging / social media engagement (even though I prefer b2evo for its ease of template creation and modification). Of critical importance is the ability to post to a profile OR to a business or group page on facebook.
Social media integration should be the absolute top priority for development.
@jibberjab sadly, there is not too much progress in this subject. There is always something more urgent for the dev team to be focused on.
I've already sent another feature request regarding your concern, so let's see if we can give this a go in the near future.
@jibberjab BTW, there is a work-around that you can use right now.
IFTTT is a service that let you make tons of recipes with this form: If This, Then That.
So, we can use the b2evo's built-in Twitter plugin to send tweets for each published post and then take those tweets and send them to Facebook.
Just register yourself in the page and use this recipe: https://ifttt.com/recipes/335229-b2evo-from-twitter-2-facebook. Configure your Twitter and Facebook accounts in IFTTT and also in your b2evolution site.
It is not as powerful as a complete Facebook plugin would be, but I have already made some tests and it works pretty well.
@mgsolipa Cool solution, thanks! :)
Can you please dig up our todo cards about the social media integration features and mark them Urgent / bump them to the top ?
I lost track of this post or I would have replied sooner.
I've seen functions like that, which chain "blog -> twitter -> facebook" and they'll work to a point. The drawback is that you only get the twitter character limit and not the full post contents. I'm of two opinions on this..
The facebook cross-posting should, ideally, post either the full blog post, or an extended teaser of 250 characters, so the reader can decide if the topic is of interest to them. This is better from a statistical standpoint also, since you know a reader following a 250-char teaser is legitimately interested in the content, whereas a reader following just a headline may be only clicking to find out what the content is, without yet knowing if the content will be of interest.
A fully integrated system like wordpress' "publicize" suite - https://en.support.wordpress.com/publicize/ - would be a good approach, so multiple social networks can be handled from one spot.
I am working on a fbook connect plugin but it's far from being complete, it's still on very early stages.
You might wanna check out similar WP plugins since it's basically the same sht