2 village_idiot Jul 15, 2008 14:10

Technically spoken that's not an answer to my question. Let's see if someone answers if I change the title.
Dear whoo, I promise, I will never be naughty again.
whoo wrote:
Afwas wrote:
Nobody ever answers MY questions
Yeah that's what happens when you know most of the answers to most of the questions most people ask. When it comes time to get an answer it's because wow it's a hell of a question. So the plan then is to ask simpler questions. For example I'll pretend you asked "how can I add another blog" and answer that.
Once you add another blog you'll probably want to write a plugin that disables another plugin so that, for example, auto-p won't mess up your renderer. To do that isn't so easy, but can be done. Simply visit every user of your plugin and threaten them with physical violence if they don't disable auto-p :)
So really it's not that the plugins are fighting - most of the time. It probably almost always boils down to the priority of this versus that. So like if auto-p comes first then it might break something your plugin was planning on. Then again it could break something your plugin did by being after yours. I have a hack somewhere that lets you see and tweak all your plugin priorities in one shot, which helps, but doesn't really technically disable one over the other.
BTW if I installed a plugin that disabled others I'd remove it. *I* decide which plugins get used is the thing. Probably thinking on the WYSIWYTYGBMN plugin right? So yeah that needs to disable auto-p.
hmmm... without offering an actual method to do it: perhaps you could detect "on install" if auto-p is enabled and divert to a "you get no wysiwyg editor until you remove auto-p then re-install wysiwyg due to conflicts". I'm thinking that might be an effective workaround, but really I don't know where to begin - other than to use the oninstall hook for a plugin. Typically it writes a table but you could possibly stroke it to check for another plugin. Hey you could snag a bit of Yabba's "show off what plugins you got running" plugin to detect auto-p during the oninstall hook, then branch to the real plugin or a 'message in a toolbar' version.
You're going to need to add categories to your new blog and that is not what this thread is about so please stay on topic!
Now I'll really guess wide and propose that since Yabba's plugin can detect what plugins are installed it could probably also tell you what you need to disable it. Like, the plugin ID is what I mean. So whatever actions clicking the disable thingie does MIGHT be doable "oninstall" after you detect that auto-p is enabled and detect the appropriate plugin ID.
Still though for a plugin to decide "that one goes away" is very uncool. Much kinder to tell the user that there is a problem and the solution to the problem and let them decide that since your plugin is kind and the other is mean (which you can easily imply knowing that auto-p can't defend itself against the accusation) they will probably choose your plugin. And by extension they will have chosen you. Imagine that: YOU will be the chosen one. Shiny new category-free blog notwithstanding.
And if that doesn't work ... heaven forbid ... then you *might* be able to hook into AfterItemUpdate to remove auto-p from $params['Item']->renderers ;)
Afwas wrote:
Technically spoken that's not an answer to my question. Let's see if someone answers if I change the title.
Dear whoo, I promise, I will never be **** again.
In my RSS reader and now that I quote myself and see it in the textarea it says: I promise, I will never be **** again. In the post above it does say naughty.
¥åßßå wrote:
And if that doesn't work ... heaven forbid ... then you *might* be able to hook into AfterItemUpdate to remove auto-p from $params['Item']->renderers ;)
Great, He actually answered MY question. Is it because I changed the title?
Nope ;)
Afwas wrote:
dude. whats the deal with the topic title? How about we edit that so that it doesnt add to the crap that is already spit out of the search results? :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Im tempted to just delete this.