My b2evolution Version: Not Entered
I've recently loaded b2 onto a social club web site inside an [url=] iframe [/url] which works well. I have a few basic questions which I'm sure are just my ignorance.
In the dahboard tools system some recomendations are made but I can not find the relevant switches.
Delete the install file! Simply go into my directory, find the file and deletet it?
Turn off, php allow_url_include, php allow_url_fopen, php magic_quotes. How! Where?
Google often go's stright to the blog rather than the main site. I would like to place a link in the side bar to take the user back to the home page of the main web site. How?
I loaded the link blog widget, but when I hit the new button I go to a posting page (similar to the one that I'm writing on now) which loads to the main blog not creating a side bar link.
Finaly not desparate but for the sake of neatness I would like to remove the header bar. How do I do this?
Thanks any help would be much appreciated.
Welcome to the forums!
Delete installation directory ex. /public_html/b2blog/install/
Add these to .htaccess file in /b2blog/ directory. Rename the sample.htaccess file if you don't have any yet.
Blog settings > Widgets > add widget "Free HTML" to "Sidebar" container, add a link there.
You must have a standalone link blog where you create posts and put some url into "Link to URL" filed. You can rather use Free HTML widget and put your links there.
Open /public_html/b2blog/skins/pyrmont/styles.css and add this to the very bottom