2 joebeone Jun 16, 2011 22:31

Hi, how do you change the conf/_advanced.php variable $htsrv_url_sensitive so that logins and such happen over SSL? I looked at the code but there are no instructions how to do so.
By the way, I receive a warning (certificate invalid) when I visit your website. It seems the https-connection applies to all visitirs regardsless if logged in or not.
Hi, you can see how to change that here: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=21982
Yes, you get an invalid cert warning at my site because it's a self-signed certificate (I can't afford to pay a CA to sign my cert just yet). Changing the $baseurl in conf/_basic_config.php to https:// is the only way to force all logged in users to have their sessions encrypted.
Yeah, ok... I'm an idiot. Changing to SSL site-wide is as easy as changing the $baseurl in conf/_basic_config.php to https. Duh.