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1 Oct 22, 2011 18:38    

My b2evolution Version: 4.1.1

I installed b2evolution into my existing website and seem to have no idea how to follow the directions: I got as far as uploading the b2evolution folder to my remote server through FTP and that was only step 2. Could someone please walk me through the process? Thank you and I am looking forward to your response!


2 Oct 23, 2011 00:32

To install you need to create a MySQL DB on your host, usually done through cPanel. Add a user to the DB and give the user all permissions. Then upload all files in /blogs/ folder to /www directory, then go to // and run the install script. Make sure DB and DB User are properly set (copy names from cPanel is easiest). Finally, log in with username and PW you got on the last install screen (DON'T FORGET TO COPY THIS FOR FIRST LOGIN!). First thing I do is go to Users and change admin password to something I'll remember. That's it - now you start building.

3 Oct 23, 2011 03:18

I want it in, but, each time I install it it ends up somewhere like Maddening:)

Last time I installed them right in the main directory, but the index.php file and a few others "ate" my original files because of the same names!

4 Oct 23, 2011 03:34

You need to make sure you're copying the CONTENTS OF the blogs folder, not the blogs folder itself.

5 Oct 23, 2011 03:40

Ok, so I am very close. This time everything is where i want it to be, but it tells me OOPS, you already have an installation... How can I get rid of the previous installation(s)?

6 Oct 23, 2011 03:54

Delete the DB, and all files in the www directory and start over

7 Oct 23, 2011 03:59

Finally, it worked and I have the blog in the correct directory!!! Thank you!

8 Oct 23, 2011 04:02

You got it - have fun!

9 Oct 23, 2011 04:03

I wish I knew how:) Did you happen to look at my site in my other post? It's, and I am trying to figure out how to make the blog intergrate itself into my layout. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

10 Oct 23, 2011 04:17

I'll take a look a bit later - I've got my hands pretty full right now...

11 Oct 27, 2011 13:54

William, your best bet is to choose a skin that is somewhat close to your site design (there are some in your installation and many more in the "Extend" tab above this forum system), copy the skin folder to another with a different name and start modifying the CSS and replacing graphics to make it match. Then you upload the folder with your modified skin to the "skins" folder and add it via the backoffice.

I've done that, starting with the "custom" skin, which I heavily modified. But you might want to start with a newer skin, because newer ones include more functions, such as featured posts and the like.

Hope this helps.

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