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1 Oct 22, 2011 22:14    

My b2evolution Version: 4.1.1

Since no one here seems to hear me, I am going to try a different question. Assuming that I somehow managed to install this program, how can I make skin look exactly like my existing site?

Thanks a lot and I really, REALLY need help:))))
Sincerely yours,

2 Oct 23, 2011 00:29

That depends, what's your current site? How well do you know CSS?

3 Oct 23, 2011 03:20

Ok, here is what I built: I would say my CSS is somewhat unstable, but I am constantly learning new things and incorporating them into the site.

Basically, I want the blog to be in the About page and kind of seamlessly integrate itself without disturbing the layout and the details.

Thanks for replying!
Best wishes,

4 Oct 23, 2011 05:12

Ok, I took a quick glance - this site shouldn't be too tough to replicate in b2. For the links along the top, I would use individual blogs for each link - this will give you the most versatility. For any sub-links I would use either categories or pages. If you use pages, each link will be it's own page, if you use categories, then just make any post you do in the corresponding category so it pulls up when someone clicks on it's category. Links to all these things can be added in the Widgets section for the top,menu,and sidebar navigation. Let me know if you'd like clarification.

5 Oct 25, 2011 04:57

Thank you for your detailed response! How do you mean to use individual blogs for each link? Those links are already linking to the site's pages, like: Home-About-Repertoire, etc. I am probably reading what you wrote in a wrong way somehow, so, yes, I would love a clarification:)

6 Oct 30, 2011 02:11

You can create multiple blogs from the Dashboard. Make an individual blog for each "page" you want. Then, in each blog turn on the Public Bloglist in Menu widget area. Now you'll have links to each blog. Then, on each blog you can create posts for content (and do all sorts of other stuff). Doing it this way gives you WAY more control then just using a single blog and creating pages.

7 freebetsuk Dec 05, 2011 20:01


I have managed to make my blog look a little like my site by using the same header!!!

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