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1 Nov 02, 2011 08:18    


I would like to embed [u]locally stored[/u] !! videos in my (video) blog.

So what I need is a build in possibility to do that, so or a plugin for that.

In a past version of b2e I managed to get it working a little bit (using object en flv), but it was never a succes. So I never really used it :(

Any change to implement a proper way to include local stored video's !?



3 Nov 06, 2011 16:07


Good hint, I dowloaded the plugin and also dit update it a bit. However I am not jet sattisfied with the result. For multiple reasons:
- the plugin calls ^textarea_wrap_selection( b2evoCanvas, tag, '', 1 )^, and that function does not work (crashes), and infact needs one more parameter :(
- the plugin does not support video screen size parameters. Below what I would like
[video:flow:'+flash_name+' +optional (horizontal size) + optional (vertical size)](
- does give two edit buttons (top from it self, and a flash at the bottum, which should do IMHO)
- strange that the plugin settings are at global and not at skin level
- and of course it is stupid that mp4 etc is not supported.

I hope to fix the first three issues, can't change the latest two bullits I am afraid. Not even sure that I can solve the other points :(

For info, running b2e 4.1.2., java 7 and php 5.3.8. on a windows7 64 bit OS


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