2 fplanque Sep 10, 2004 19:15

I've seen the same problems as you - but as I really like Ecto (and the new Ecto 2 beta promises even more things to come), I've started rewriting b2evolutions xmlrpc interface to work with Ecto2.
I started yesterday, and so far I've added MetaWeblog support which reads, and writes category information between b2evolution and Ecto2, and I'm working on supporting multiple concurrent categories per post.
This should hopefully be done by this evening.
I'll try to clean the code up and release it here in the next few weeks if anyone is interested.
Yes, please do post it in the plugins/hacks forum :)
Also, if you consider your code really "production grade" clean, feel free to contact me directly for inclusion into the main codebase.
I really like ecto as well. Version 2 is quite nice, though there were a few things I liked about version 1 better. I'd like to snatch up that plugin/hack as soon as you get 'er done.
Ok - just a update, it's been a long time, but I need to do my programming during holidays.
1. My code is not "production grade" or even near to be production grade yet. Will post in forums when that changes.
2. I have added the ability to upload images directly from Ecto, i.e. the integration with iPhoto does now work.
3. Fromatting in Ecto works as well, no more error messages form the backend.
I will update here when the code is a bit slicker.
Any update on this? Thanks.
I've now got full support for Ecto using the metaweblog API, and I'm almost there for the Movable Type API as well. The category support for the metaweblog API is only for one category at a time, for the MT API it supports multiple categories (one main and unlimited subcategories).
I personally use Ecto 2 (on a mac) for all my blogging.
what I should have said is that Beta testers welcome - email me through this site..
I'm just in the process of setting up multiple blogs with b2evo for our citizens at the Town (www.the-town.org) but since most of them will be new to blogging (as I am actually) I think that they'll be more comfortable with the interface of something like Ecto (which we use at work for our business blog).
It would be nice to be able to get them going on b2evo with a more newbie-friendly interface (most of them don't know much about web pages/mark-up/tags etc anyway) and WYSIWYG. One of them, who's familiar with basic HTML, took at look at the back office and said, "Woah. I can see I'm going to have to study this."
Ecto, or any other desktop blog client, would be good to recommend if I knew it would work with the site.
Most desktop clients are pretty limited indeed, as most blog tools are limited too...