Recent Topics

1 Feb 13, 2012 13:58    

My b2evolution Version: 4.1.x

I would like the image link to be linked to next image (post) instead of large image in the photoblog.Has anyone done this ?

The goal is quickly browse pics one after another like facebook photos.

And ideally the images -posts- would loop as you click next . (if you have 3 posts: #1, #2, #3, #1...)

2 Feb 13, 2012 16:11

Add these two methods to _itemlist.class.php, then you can do

$params['image_link_to'] => $MainList->get_prev_item_url();

 * Generate the permalink for the previous item in collection.
 * Note: Each item has an unique permalink at any given time.
 * Some admin settings may however change the permalinks for previous items.
 * Note: This actually only returns the URL, to get a real link, use {@link ItemList::prev_item_link()}
 * @param string single, archive, subchap
 * @param string base url to use
 * @param string glue between url params
function get_prev_item_url( $permalink_type = '', $blogurl = '', $glue = '&' )
	 * @var Item
	$prev_Item = & $this->get_prevnext_Item( 'prev' );

	if( !is_null($prev_Item) )
		return $prev_Item->get_permanent_url( $permalink_type, $blogurl, $glue );
	return '';

 * Generate the permalink for the next item in collection.
 * Note: Each item has an unique permalink at any given time.
 * Some admin settings may however change the permalinks for previous items.
 * Note: This actually only returns the URL, to get a real link, use {@link ItemList::next_item_link()}
 * @param string single, archive, subchap
 * @param string base url to use
 * @param string glue between url params
function get_next_item_url( $permalink_type = '', $blogurl = '', $glue = '&' )
	 * @var Item
	$next_Item = & $this->get_prevnext_Item( 'next' );

	if( !is_null($next_Item) )
		return $next_Item->get_permanent_url( $permalink_type, $blogurl, $glue );
	return '';

ps. I just added these methods to v5

3 Feb 13, 2012 18:45

Great ! Havent tried yet, have to upgrade first, probasbly tonight.I ll just use the cvs package u sent me the other day.

How about "looping" ?

4 Feb 13, 2012 19:13

How about "looping" ?

It's not easy :(
Basically when you check for 'prev' and see that there's no previous (older) post, you run the second check for the newest 'next' and get it's URL

See the get_prevnext_Item() method in _itemlist.class.php

5 Feb 15, 2012 22:50

So i put this in :

	// Default params:
$params = array_merge( array(
				'before' =>              '<div class="bImages">',
				'before_image' =>        '<div class="image_block">',
				'before_image_legend' => '<div class="image_legend">',
				'after_image_legend' =>  '</div>',
		//		'after_image' =>         '<div class="fblikke over"><fb:like href='.$baseurl.'index.php?p='.$Item->ID().'" send="true" layout="box_count" width="80" show_faces="true" font="verdana"></fb:like></div></div>',
				'after_image' =>         '</div>',
				'after' =>               '</div>',
				'image_size' =>          'fit-720x500',
    ), $params ); 
$params['image_link_to'] = $MainList->get_prev_item_url();  

and i got:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method ItemList2::get_prev_item_url() in /home/..../public_html/skins/photoblog/ on line 50

Note that i changed => to =, otherwise i would just get syntax error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_DOUBLE_ARROW in /home/tilqi/public_html/skins/photoblog/ on line 51

(on single post pages) Also got:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare get_prev_item_url() (previously declared in /home/.../public_html/inc/items/model/_itemlist.class.php:709) in /home/.../public_html/inc/items/model/_itemlist.class.php on line 709

6 Feb 16, 2012 01:12

First disable colorbox effect in skin. Then make sure you applied appropriate changes to _itemlist.class.php
Also you should get "next" item instead of previous.

You need to trick Photoblog skin to prev/next items even if $disp != 'single'

Make the code in your skin look the same

global $Item, $MainList;
$MainList->single_post = true;

          $params = array_merge( array(
                'before' =>              '<div class="bImages">',
                'before_image' =>        '<div class="image_block">',
                'before_image_legend' => '<div class="image_legend">',
                'after_image_legend' =>  '</div>',
        //        'after_image' =>         '<div class="fblikke over"><fb:like href='.$baseurl.'index.php?p='.$Item->ID().'" send="true" layout="box_count" width="80" show_faces="true" font="verdana"></fb:like></div></div>',
                'after_image' =>         '</div>',
                'after' =>               '</div>',
                'image_size' =>          'fit-720x500',
                'image_link_to' => $MainList->get_next_item_url(),
    ), $params );

7 Feb 16, 2012 02:15

Fatal error: Call to undefined method ItemList2::get_next_item_url() in /home/.../public_html/skins/photoblog/ on line 68

8 Feb 16, 2012 15:08

Post this file here

9 Feb 16, 2012 19:06

fyi: havent upgraded yet, i use 4.0.5

 * This file implements the ItemList class 2.
 * This is the object handling item/post/article lists.
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @copyright (c)2003-2010 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * {@internal License choice
 * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in
 *   the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms.
 * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from
 *   then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file:
 *   - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) -
 *   - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) -
 * }}
 * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement:
 * }}
 * @package evocore
 * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }}
 * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE.
 * @version $Id: _itemlist.class.php,v 2010/09/15 13:03:30 efy-asimo Exp $
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

load_class( '/items/model/_itemlistlight.class.php', 'ItemListLight' );

 * Item List Class 2
 * This SECOND implementation will deprecate the first one when finished.
 * @package evocore
class ItemList2 extends ItemListLight
	 * @var array
	var $prevnext_Item = array();

	 * Constructor
	 * @todo  add param for saved session filter set
	 * @param Blog
	 * @param mixed Default filter set: Do not show posts before this timestamp, can be 'now'
	 * @param mixed Default filter set: Do not show posts after this timestamp, can be 'now'
	 * @param integer|NULL Limit
	 * @param string name of cache to be used
	 * @param string prefix to differentiate page/order params when multiple Results appear one same page
	 * @param string Name to be used when saving the filterset (leave empty to use default for collection)
	 * @param array restrictions for itemlist (position, contact, firm, ...) key: restriction name, value: ID of the restriction
	function ItemList2(
			& $Blog,
			$timestamp_min = NULL,       // Do not show posts before this timestamp
			$timestamp_max = NULL,   		 // Do not show posts after this timestamp
			$limit = 20,
			$cache_name = 'ItemCache',	 // name of cache to be used
			$param_prefix = '',
			$filterset_name = ''				// Name to be used when saving the filterset (leave empty to use default for collection)
		global $Settings;

		// Call parent constructor:
		parent::ItemListLight( $Blog, $timestamp_min, $timestamp_max, $limit, $cache_name, $param_prefix, $filterset_name );

	 * We want to preview a single post, we are going to fake a lot of things...
	function preview_from_request()
		global $current_User;

		if( empty($current_User) )
		{ // dh> only logged in user's can preview. Alternatively we need those checks where $current_User gets used below.

		global $DB, $localtimenow, $Messages, $BlogCache;
		global $Plugins;

		$preview_userid = param( 'preview_userid', 'integer', true );
		$post_status = param( 'post_status', 'string', true );
		$post_locale = param( 'post_locale', 'string', $current_User->locale );
		$content = param( 'content', 'html', true );
		$post_title = param( 'post_title', 'html', true );
		$post_titletag = param( 'titletag', 'string', true );
		$post_metadesc = param( 'metadesc', 'string', true );
		$post_metakeywords = param( 'metakeywords', 'string', true );
		$post_excerpt = param( 'post_excerpt', 'string', true );
		$post_url = param( 'post_url', 'string', '' );
		check_categories_nosave( $post_category, $post_extracats );
		$post_views = param( 'post_views', 'integer', 0 );
		$renderers = param( 'renderers', 'array', array('default') );
		if( ! is_array($renderers) )
		{ // dh> workaround for param() bug. See rev 1.93 of /inc/_misc/_misc.funcs.php
			$renderers = array('default');
		if( $post_category == 0 )
			$post_category = $this->Blog->get_default_cat_ID();
		$comment_Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( get_catblog( $post_category ) );
		if( $comment_Blog->allowcomments == 'post_by_post' )
		{ // param is required
			$post_comment_status = param( 'post_comment_status', 'string', true );
			$post_comment_status = $comment_Blog->allowcomments;

		// Get issue date, using the user's locale (because it's entered like this in the form):
		locale_temp_switch( $current_User->locale );

		param_date( 'item_issue_date', T_('Please enter a valid issue date.'), false );
		// TODO: dh> get_param() is always true here, also on invalid dates:
		if( strlen(get_param('item_issue_date')) )
		{ // only set it, if a date was given:
			param_time( 'item_issue_time' );
			$item_issue_date = form_date( get_param( 'item_issue_date' ), get_param( 'item_issue_time' ) ); // TODO: cleanup...
			$item_issue_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $localtimenow );

		if( !($item_typ_ID = param( 'item_typ_ID', 'integer', NULL )) )
			$item_typ_ID = NULL;
		if( !($item_st_ID = param( 'item_st_ID', 'integer', NULL )) )
			$item_st_ID = NULL;
		if( !($item_assigned_user_ID = param( 'item_assigned_user_ID', 'integer', NULL )) )
			$item_assigned_user_ID = NULL;
		if( !($item_deadline = param( 'item_deadline', 'string', NULL )) )
			$item_deadline = NULL;
		$item_priority = param( 'item_priority', 'integer', NULL ); // QUESTION: can this be also empty/NULL?

		// Do some optional filtering on the content
		// Typically stuff that will help the content to validate
		// Useful for code display.
		// Will probably be used for validation also.
		$Plugins_admin = & get_Plugins_admin();
		$Plugins_admin->filter_contents( $post_title /* by ref */, $content /* by ref */, $renderers );

		$post_title = format_to_post( $post_title );
		$content = format_to_post( $content );

		$post_ID = param('post_ID', 'integer', 0);

		$this->sql = "SELECT
			$post_ID AS post_ID,
			$preview_userid AS post_creator_user_ID,
			$preview_userid AS post_lastedit_user_ID,
			'$item_issue_date' AS post_datestart,
			'$item_issue_date' AS post_datecreated,
			'$item_issue_date' AS post_datemodified,
			0 AS post_dateset,
			'".$DB->escape($post_status)."' AS post_status,
			'".$DB->escape($post_locale)."' AS post_locale,
			'".$DB->escape($content)."' AS post_content,
			'".$DB->escape($post_title)."' AS post_title,
			'".$DB->escape($post_titletag)."' AS post_titletag,
			'".$DB->escape($post_metadesc)."' AS post_metadesc,
			'".$DB->escape($post_metakeywords)."' AS post_metakeywords,
			'".$DB->escape($post_excerpt)."' AS post_excerpt,
			NULL AS post_excerpt_autogenerated,
			NULL AS post_urltitle,
			NULL AS post_canonical_slug_ID,
			NULL AS post_tiny_slug_ID,
			'".$DB->escape($post_url)."' AS post_url,
			$post_category AS post_main_cat_ID,
			$post_views AS post_views,
			'' AS post_flags,
			'noreq' AS post_notifications_status,
			NULL AS post_notifications_ctsk_ID,
			".bpost_count_words( $content )." AS post_wordcount,
			".$DB->quote($post_comment_status)." AS post_comment_status,
			'".$DB->escape( implode( '.', $renderers ) )."' AS post_renderers,
			".$DB->quote($item_assigned_user_ID)." AS post_assigned_user_ID,
			".$DB->quote($item_typ_ID)." AS post_ptyp_ID,
			".$DB->quote($item_st_ID)." AS post_pst_ID,
			".$DB->quote($item_deadline)." AS post_datedeadline,
			".$DB->quote($item_priority)." AS post_priority,
			NULL AS post_editor_code,";

		// CUSTOM FIELDS double
		for( $i = 1 ; $i <= 5; $i++ )
		{	// For each custom double field:
			$this->sql .= $DB->quote(param( 'item_double'.$i, 'double', NULL )).' AS post_double'.$i.",\n";

		// CUSTOM FIELDS varchar
		for( $i = 1 ; $i <= 3; $i++ )
		{	// For each custom varchar field:
			$this->sql .= $DB->quote(param( 'item_varchar'.$i, 'string', '' )).' AS post_varchar'.$i.",\n";

		$this->sql .= $DB->quote(param( 'item_order', 'double', NULL )).' AS post_order'.",\n"
								.$DB->quote(param( 'item_featured', 'integer', NULL )).' AS post_featured'."\n";
		$this->total_rows = 1;
		$this->total_pages = 1;
		$this->page = 1;

		// ATTENTION: we skip the parent on purpose here!! fp> refactor
		DataObjectList2::query( false, false, false, 'PREVIEW QUERY' );

		$Item = & $this->Cache->instantiate( $this->rows[0] );

		// Trigger plugin event, allowing to manipulate or validate the item before it gets previewed
		$Plugins->trigger_event( 'AppendItemPreviewTransact', array( 'Item' => & $Item ) );

		if( $errcontent = $Messages->display( T_('Invalid post, please correct these errors:'), '', false, 'error' ) )
			$Item->content = $errcontent."\n<hr />\n".$content;

		// little funky fix for IEwin, rawk on that code
		global $Hit;
		if( ($Hit->is_winIE()) && (!isset($IEWin_bookmarklet_fix)) )
		{ // QUESTION: Is this still needed? What about $IEWin_bookmarklet_fix? (blueyed)
			$Item->content = preg_replace('/\%u([0-9A-F]{4,4})/e', "'&#'.base_convert('\\1',16,10). ';'", $Item->content);

	 * Run Query: GET DATA ROWS *** HEAVY ***
	function query()
		global $DB;

		if( !is_null( $this->rows ) )
		{ // Query has already executed:


		// Results style orders:
		// $this->ItemQuery->ORDER_BY_prepend( $this->get_order_field_list() );

		// We are going to proceed in two steps (we simulate a subquery)
		// 1) we get the IDs we need
		// 2) we get all the other fields matching these IDs
		// This is more efficient than manipulating all fields at once.

		// *** STEP 1 ***
		// walter> Accordding to the standart, to DISTINCT queries, all columns used
		// in ORDER BY must appear in the query. This make que query work with PostgreSQL and
		// other databases.
		// fp> That can dramatically fatten the returned data. You must handle this in the postgres class (check that order fields are in select)
		$step1_sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT '.$this->Cache->dbIDname // .', '.implode( ', ', $order_cols_to_select )

		// echo $DB->format_query( $step1_sql );

		// Get list of the IDs we need:
		$ID_list = implode( ',', $DB->get_col( $step1_sql, 0, 'ItemList2::Query() Step 1: Get ID list' ) );

		// *** STEP 2 ***
		$this->sql = 'SELECT *
			              FROM '.$this->Cache->dbtablename;
		if( !empty($ID_list) )
			$this->sql .= ' WHERE '.$this->Cache->dbIDname.' IN ('.$ID_list.') '
			$this->sql .= ' WHERE 0';

		//echo $DB->format_query( $this->sql );

		// ATTENTION: we skip the parent on purpose here!! fp> refactor
		DataObjectList2::query( false, false, false, 'ItemList2::Query() Step 2' );

	 * If the list is sorted by category...
 	 * This is basically just a stub for backward compatibility
	function & get_item()
		if( $this->group_by_cat == 1 )
		{	// This is the first call to get_item() after get_category_group()
			$this->group_by_cat = 2;
			// Return the object we already got in get_category_group():
			return $this->current_Obj;

		$Item = & parent::get_next();

		if( !empty($Item) && $this->group_by_cat == 2 && $Item->main_cat_ID != $this->main_cat_ID )
		{	// We have just hit a new category!
			$this->group_by_cat == 0; // For info only.
			$r = false;
			return $r;

		//pre_dump( $Item );

		return $Item;

	 * Get all tags used in current ItemList
	 * @todo caching in case of multiple calls
	 * @return array
	function get_all_tags()
		$all_tags = array();

		for( $i=0; $i<$this->result_num_rows; $i++ )
			 * @var Item
			$l_Item = & $this->get_by_idx( $i );
			$l_tags = $l_Item->get_tags();
			$all_tags = array_merge( $all_tags, $l_tags );

		// Keep each tag only once:
		$all_tags = array_unique( $all_tags );

		return $all_tags;

	 * Returns values needed to make sort links for a given column
	 * Returns an array containing the following values:
	 *  - current_order : 'ASC', 'DESC' or ''
	 *  - order_asc : url needed to order in ascending order
	 *  - order_desc
	 *  - order_toggle : url needed to toggle sort order
	 * @param integer column to sort
	 * @return array
	function get_col_sort_values( $col_idx )
		$col_order_fields = $this->cols[$col_idx]['order'];

		// pre_dump( $col_order_fields, $this->filters['orderby'], $this->filters['order'] );

		// Current order:
		if( $this->filters['orderby'] == $col_order_fields )
			$col_sort_values['current_order'] = $this->filters['order'];
			$col_sort_values['current_order'] = '';

		// Generate sort values to use for sorting on the current column:
		$col_sort_values['order_asc'] = regenerate_url( array($this->param_prefix.'order',$this->param_prefix.'orderby'),
																			$this->param_prefix.'order=ASC&amp;'.$this->param_prefix.'orderby='.$col_order_fields );
		$col_sort_values['order_desc'] = regenerate_url(  array($this->param_prefix.'order',$this->param_prefix.'orderby'),
																			$this->param_prefix.'order=DESC&amp;'.$this->param_prefix.'orderby='.$col_order_fields );

		if( !$col_sort_values['current_order'] && isset( $this->cols[$col_idx]['default_dir'] ) )
		{	// There is no current order on this column and a default order direction is set for it
			// So set a default order direction for it

			if( $this->cols[$col_idx]['default_dir'] == 'A' )
			{	// The default order direction is A, so set its toogle  order to the order_asc
				$col_sort_values['order_toggle'] = $col_sort_values['order_asc'];
			{ // The default order direction is A, so set its toogle order to the order_desc
				$col_sort_values['order_toggle'] = $col_sort_values['order_desc'];
		elseif( $col_sort_values['current_order'] == 'ASC' )
		{	// There is an ASC current order on this column, so set its toogle order to the order_desc
			$col_sort_values['order_toggle'] = $col_sort_values['order_desc'];
		{ // There is a DESC or NO current order on this column,  so set its toogle order to the order_asc
			$col_sort_values['order_toggle'] = $col_sort_values['order_asc'];

		// pre_dump( $col_sort_values );

		return $col_sort_values;

	 * Link to previous and next link in collection
	function prevnext_item_links( $params )
		$params = array_merge( array(
									'template' => '$prev$$next$',
									'prev_start' => '',
									'prev_text' => '&laquo; $title$',
									'prev_end' => '',
									'prev_no_item' => '',
									'next_start' => '',
									'next_text' => '$title$ &raquo;',
									'next_end' => '',
									'next_no_item' => '',
									'target_blog' => '',
								), $params );

		$prev = $this->prev_item_link( $params['prev_start'], $params['prev_end'], $params[ 'prev_text' ], $params[ 'prev_no_item' ], false, $params[ 'target_blog'] );
		$next = $this->next_item_link( $params['next_start'], $params['next_end'], $params[ 'next_text' ], $params[ 'next_no_item' ], false, $params[ 'target_blog'] );

		$output = str_replace( '$prev$', $prev, $params['template'] );
		$output = str_replace( '$next$', $next, $output );

		if( !empty( $output ) )
		{	// we have some output, lets wrap it
			echo( $params['block_start'] );
			echo $output;
			echo( $params['block_end'] );

	 * Skip to previous
	function prev_item_link( $before = '', $after = '', $text = '&laquo; $title$', $no_item = '', $display = true, $target_blog = '' )
		 * @var Item
		$prev_Item = & $this->get_prevnext_Item( 'prev' );

		if( !is_null($prev_Item) )
			$output = $before;
			$output .= $prev_Item->get_permanent_link( $text, '#', '', $target_blog );
			$output .= $after;
			$output = $no_item;
		if( $display ) echo $output;
		return $output;

	 * Skip to next
	function next_item_link(  $before = '', $after = '', $text = '$title$ &raquo;', $no_item = '', $display = true, $target_blog = '' )
		 * @var Item
		$next_Item = & $this->get_prevnext_Item( 'next' );

		if( !is_null($next_Item) )
			$output = $before;
			$output .= $next_Item->get_permanent_link( $text, '#', '', $target_blog );
			$output .= $after;
			$output = $no_item;
		if( $display ) echo $output;
		return $output;

	 * Skip to previous/next Item
	 * If several items share the same spot (like same issue datetime) then they'll get all skipped at once.
	 * @param string prev | next  (relative to the current sort order)
	function & get_prevnext_Item( $direction = 'next' )
		global $DB, $ItemCache;

		if( ! $this->single_post )
		{	// We are not on a single post:
			$r = NULL;
			return $r;

		 * @var Item
		$current_Item = $this->get_by_idx(0);

		if( is_null($current_Item) )
		{	// This happens if we are on a single post that we do not actually have permission to view
			$r = NULL;
			return $r;

		if( in_array( $current_Item->ptyp_ID, array( 1000, 1500, 1520, 1530, 1570, 1600 ) ) ) // page & intros
		{	// We are not on a REGULAR post:
			$r = NULL;
			return $r;

		if( !empty( $this->prevnext_Item[$direction] ) )
			return $this->prevnext_Item[$direction];

		$next_Query = new ItemQuery( $this->Cache->dbtablename, $this->Cache->dbprefix, $this->Cache->dbIDname );


		 * filtering stuff:
		$next_Query->where_chapter2( $this->Blog, $this->filters['cat_array'], $this->filters['cat_modifier'],
																 $this->filters['cat_focus'] );
		$next_Query->where_author( $this->filters['authors'] );
		$next_Query->where_assignees( $this->filters['assignees'] );
		$next_Query->where_author_assignee( $this->filters['author_assignee'] );
		$next_Query->where_locale( $this->filters['lc'] );
		$next_Query->where_statuses( $this->filters['statuses'] );
		$next_Query->where_types( $this->filters['types'] );
		$next_Query->where_keywords( $this->filters['keywords'], $this->filters['phrase'], $this->filters['exact'] );
		// $next_Query->where_ID( $this->filters['post_ID'], $this->filters['post_title'] );
		$next_Query->where_datestart( $this->filters['ymdhms'], $this->filters['week'],
		                                   $this->filters['ymdhms_min'], $this->filters['ymdhms_max'],
		                                   $this->filters['ts_min'], $this->filters['ts_max'] );
		$next_Query->where_visibility( $this->filters['visibility_array'] );

		 * ORDER BY stuff:
		if( ($direction == 'next' && $this->filters['order'] == 'DESC')
			|| ($direction == 'prev' && $this->filters['order'] == 'ASC') )
			$order = 'DESC';
			$operator = ' < ';
			$order = 'ASC';
			$operator = ' > ';

		$orderby = str_replace( ' ', ',', $this->filters['orderby'] );
		$orderby_array = explode( ',', $orderby );

		// Format each order param with default column names:
		$orderbyorder_array = preg_replace( '#^(.+)$#', $this->Cache->dbprefix.'$1 '.$order, $orderby_array );

		// Add an ID parameter to make sure there is no ambiguity in ordering on similar items:
		$orderbyorder_array[] = $this->Cache->dbIDname.' '.$order;

		$order_by = implode( ', ', $orderbyorder_array );

		$next_Query->order_by( $order_by );

		// LIMIT to 1 single result
		$next_Query->LIMIT( '1' );

		// fp> TODO: I think some additional limits need to come back here (for timespans)

		 * Position right after the current element depending on current sorting params
		 * If there are several items on the same issuedatetime for example, we'll then differentiate on post ID
		 * WARNING: you cannot combine criterias with AND here; you need stuf like a>a0 OR (a=a0 AND b>b0)
		switch( $orderby_array[0] )
			case 'datestart':
				// special var name:
				$next_Query->WHERE_and( $this->Cache->dbprefix.$orderby_array[0]
																.' OR ( '
																	.' = '
																	.' AND '

			case 'title':
			case 'ptyp_ID':
			case 'datecreated':
			case 'datemodified':
			case 'urltitle':
			case 'priority':
				$next_Query->WHERE_and( $this->Cache->dbprefix.$orderby_array[0]
																.' OR ( '
																	.' = '
																	.' AND '

			case 'order':
				// We have to integrate a rounding error margin
				$comp_order_value = $current_Item->order;
				$and_clause = '';

				if( is_null($comp_order_value) )
				{	// current Item has NULL order
					if( $operator == ' < ' )
					{	// This is needed when browsing through a descending ordered list and we reach the limit where orders are not set/NULL (ex: b2evo screenshots)
						$and_clause .= $this->Cache->dbprefix.$orderby_array[0].' IS NULL AND ';
					{ // This is needed when browsing through a descending ordered list and we want to browse back into the posts that have numbers (pb appears if first NULL posts is the highest ID)
						$and_clause .= $this->Cache->dbprefix.$orderby_array[0].' IS NOT NULL OR ';
					$and_clause .= $this->Cache->dbIDname
					if( $operator == ' < ' )
					{	// This is needed when browsing through a descending ordered list and we reach the limit where orders are not set/NULL (ex: b2evo screenshots)
						$and_clause .= $this->Cache->dbprefix.$orderby_array[0].' IS NULL OR ';
					$and_clause .= $this->Cache->dbprefix.$orderby_array[0]
													.( $operator == ' < ' ? $comp_order_value-0.000000001 : $comp_order_value+0.000000001 )
													.' OR ( '
														.( $operator == ' < ' ? ' <= '.($comp_order_value+0.000000001) : ' >= '.($comp_order_value-0.000000001) )
														.' AND '

				$next_Query->WHERE_and( $and_clause );

				echo 'WARNING: unhandled sorting: '.htmlspecialchars( $orderby_array[0] );
						/**photoblog edit _emin_	
				 * Generate the permalink for the previous item in collection.
				 * Note: Each item has an unique permalink at any given time.
				 * Some admin settings may however change the permalinks for previous items.
				 * Note: This actually only returns the URL, to get a real link, use {@link ItemList::prev_item_link()}
				 * @param string single, archive, subchap
				 * @param string base url to use
				 * @param string glue between url params
				function get_prev_item_url( $permalink_type = '', $blogurl = '', $glue = '&amp;' )
					 * @var Item
					$prev_Item = & $this->get_prevnext_Item( 'prev' );
					if( !is_null($prev_Item) )
						return $prev_Item->get_permanent_url( $permalink_type, $blogurl, $glue );
					return '';
				 * Generate the permalink for the next item in collection.
				 * Note: Each item has an unique permalink at any given time.
				 * Some admin settings may however change the permalinks for previous items.
				 * Note: This actually only returns the URL, to get a real link, use {@link ItemList::next_item_link()}
				 * @param string single, archive, subchap
				 * @param string base url to use
				 * @param string glue between url params
				function get_next_item_url( $permalink_type = '', $blogurl = '', $glue = '&amp;' )
					 * @var Item
					$next_Item = & $this->get_prevnext_Item( 'next' );
					if( !is_null($next_Item) )
						return $next_Item->get_permanent_url( $permalink_type, $blogurl, $glue );
					return '';


		// We are going to proceed in two steps (we simulate a subquery)
		// 1) we get the IDs we need
		// 2) we get all the other fields matching these IDs
		// This is more efficient than manipulating all fields at once.

		// Step 1:
		$step1_sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT '.$this->Cache->dbIDname

		//echo $DB->format_query( $step1_sql );

		// Get list of the IDs we need:
		$next_ID = $DB->get_var( $step1_sql, 0, 0, 'Get ID of next item' );

		//pre_dump( $next_ID );

		// Step 2: get the item (may be NULL):
		$this->prevnext_Item[$direction] = & $ItemCache->get_by_ID( $next_ID, true, false );

		return $this->prevnext_Item[$direction];


 * $Log: _itemlist.class.php,v $

10 Feb 16, 2012 22:19

You placed the methods inside the other one. Move them above the last }

// Move them here


 * $Log: _itemlist.class.php,v $

11 Feb 18, 2012 01:54

nope, didnt work again... no errors, but no image shown both in single or post mode.

13 Feb 20, 2012 20:04

Any idea how i can display homepage in single mode with the latest post ? I dont want a page of posts.Single mode is better for photoblog, it displays a single post already

14 Feb 20, 2012 21:13

Put this above skin_init($disp) in index.main.php and posts.main.php

if( is_default_page() )
    $disp = 'single';
    $posts = 1;

Untested, of course :)

15 Feb 20, 2012 21:59

nope..that didnt work.
it's basically the same thing i know, but i also tried doing below,

if( is_default_page() )
$disp = 'home';

skin_include( '$disp$', array(
'disp_home' => '_single.main.php',
) );

That didnt work too.Cant trick it

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