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1 Feb 26, 2012 22:35    

Hello folks, hope your well.

I have researched the forums and cant quite find the answer to the following . .

I am trying to have facebook add any image from my page when I post a link to my blog.

I am not fussy in regards to what image it posts but just would like an image, or maybe an option of the images as it would be if I posted a link to static page from my site.

can anyone suggest what changes I would need to make to acieve this.

Thanks, Alan

2 Feb 27, 2012 01:28

We need a good facebook plugin to detect post/page image(avatars) etc. However to define a static image for all the pages in your blog, you could add the below to your <head>

<meta property="og:image" content="http://www.domain.tld/src_tomy_image.jpg" />

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