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1 Apr 12, 2012 04:35    

My b2evolution Version: 4.1.x


I've updated the blogs today and using 4.1.4. I noticed that two question marks (?) were inserted in a post. I went inside to see what it was about and toggled WYSWIG to HTML; didn't see anything and just saved the post. It corrected itself and they disappeared.

On another post, I found other question marks throughout another post, but they are between paragraphs, instead of words. I didn't go inside the post in case they would disappear. I wanted to show the evidence. Under the first block quote you'll notice it and further down in the post.

Has anyone else noticed question marks in posts?

Found another quirky thing that wasn't there before.....
If you look at the post link, in Firefox, all the 'w's are faded. Strange! In Google Chrome they are fine; in IE they are slight but not that noticeable. Any ideas?


2 Apr 12, 2012 04:40

Lastly, with the update this message came up at the end and hope that it doesn't mean anything.

"Checking DB schema version... 10200 : OK.
Altering table «evo_items__item»...

Changed type of evo_items__item.post_priority from int(11) unsigned to post_priority int(11) unsigned null COMMENT 'Task priority in workflow'"

3 Apr 13, 2012 18:18

Lastly, with the update this message came up at the end and hope that it doesn't mean anything.

It's normal, nothing to worry about

To fix question mark issues just put them on the same line with the last word.


whatever ?



Also make sure there's no tags between the question mark and the last word

whatever ?</div>


whatever</div> ?

You can also post the contents of your post here so I can tell you what is wrong exactly.

4 Apr 14, 2012 00:04

Okay, good to know that at the end it is normal.

As for the ? appearing nothing unusual in the html -- the p's are normal. BTW, this was originally written in WYSIWYG:

address. The NIH hasn’t approved a single Blastocystis grant in 15 years. “


Labratories appear to be another problem, once again, with a misdiagnosis or no conclusive evidence with contributing to the general diagnosis of IBS.

The NIH hasn't approved a single Blastocystis grant in 15 years. "</blockquote>
<p> </p>
<p>Labratories appear to be another problem, once again, with a misdiagnosis or no conclusive evidence with contributing to the general diagnosis of IBS. If anyone has read my previous posts about insufficient lab techniques you know that this is one of my biggest


some of the below recommendations that I’ve read about could be helpful.



some of the below recommendations that I've read about could be helpful.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><span class="Apple-style-span"><span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #008080;"> B. HOMINIS </span></span></span></p>

As I mentioned before, this is a random thing. In another post it happened between words -- when I looked there was absolutely nothing to cause the problem and 'magically' disappeared when I saved the document. In the above example in the blog you'll see that there is no physical '?' in those areas for the question mark to show up. It is a bug! :-/

I'm going to close the post to see if it will correct itself or not. If you see that they are gone, it did it on itself once again. Go figure....!

5 Apr 14, 2012 00:19

One other quick note.... sometimes toggling between html/wysiwyg for edits, if there are italics or bold in the text it will be changed at whim when saved. Sometimes it will happen when the post is pulled into Edit.

6 Apr 14, 2012 05:22

In the above example in the blog you'll see that there is no physical '?' in those areas for the question mark to show up. It is a bug! Confused

That's weird. Is it possible that you copy-pasted that text from somewhere, and there was a non-ASCII character which was later transformed into a question mark?

See if you can reproduce the error in other posts.

7 Apr 15, 2012 00:50

A good question and I can appreciate the logic...., but I know for a fact that in one post it was just text in a sentence - no copy/paste - and a "?" appeared later in the publication.

As for the html/wysiwyg -- just text where the font maybe a different color, italics and bold in a paragraph will change! Color stays (some times), but most times italics and bold will absolutely change..... I've only seen this on recent posts since the upgrade. Oddly enough, in viewing the html the codes are still in place even though it isn't displayed when saved.

8 Apr 15, 2012 01:07

We updated TinyMCE editor in b2evo v4.1.3

Moving to the bugs section...

9 Apr 15, 2012 01:39

I'm using 4.1.4 -- I noticed the change yesterday, so the bug is still present.

10 Apr 18, 2012 03:35

Can't help you here, I don't know much about TinyMCA.

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