2 sam2kb Mar 24, 2012 03:08

Yes, as far as I know. I downloaded it last month.
Today are 18 SPAMS by same person or group. :(
My url is:
Thanks for looking. :)
I confirm the login screen bug in b2evo v4.0.5
The plugin works ok in b2evo v4.1 though
Hmmm..... so you're saying that I need to upgrade? :/
Will this stop the spammer?
I definitely recommend you to upgrade the system. However if the spammer manually enters captcha, no upgrade will ever stop him.
Okay, I've just noticed that the java script for deleting the spam no longer functions -- it worked fine last week. :(
Is it in v4.0.5 ? It's no longer supported.
There's no such problem in v4.1.3
Yes, I'm using 4.0.5. Okay, thanks, will do the switch sometime next week or if I have time later this week.
Are you using the latest reCaptcha 2.0 plugin? Please post your blog URL here