2 tilqicom Apr 14, 2012 23:12

You are looking for the BIMP Importer
Discussion thread: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=23810
Website: http://b2evo.sonorth.com/show.php/bimp-importer-migrate-b2evolution-to-wordpress
You can easily migrate b2evo blog(s) to a new or existing wordpress website. It's a paid script though.
If you are looking for a free way to migrate the posts, try the RSS importer shipped with wordpress.
sam2kb wrote:
You can easily migrate b2evo blog(s) to a new or existing wordpress website. It's a paid script though.
If you are looking for a free way to migrate the posts, try the RSS importer shipped with wordpress.
You should make a migration video for the plugin for the people to see how it's worth every penny of that 19$ (:
Yeah, that's a good idea.
sam2kb has a b2 to wp converter but he hasnt posted a plugin thread for it i guess.
It migrates b2 to wordpress almost perfectly.You might wanna pm him for the details.
btw; most post data resides in evo_items and it's subtables, along with a few other tables.