2 tosca Apr 16, 2012 23:22

BTW, when SPAM increased [no longer have the problem] for some reason the comment, deleting, and antispam buttons all stopped functioning
Those button now use javascript. Most likely all you had to do is force-refresh the page with CTRL+F5
the count of post views in Admin doesn't work anymore as it use to, particularly for private blogs
I'll check that. Moving to bug reports...
CTRL+F5 didn't work. Any other suggestions?
Can you create another admin user and PM me the password so I can take a look at the errors you found? It's hard for me to guess what's going wrong.
You had an old textarea resize plugin which was breaking javascript in backoffice. I disabled it. All buttons are working now.
As of post views in backoffice, find and uncomment the following in /inc/items/views/_item_list_full.view.php 230
// Uncomment this in case you wnt to count view in backoffice:
$Item->count_view( array(
'allow_multiple_counts_per_page' => false,
) );
Hi Sam2kb:
Thank you.
The old plugin of the textarea resize when used in 2x worked fine. When I upgraded it became useless, but left the textarea for comments with the wrong sizing. How do I fix this? I was going to make another post on this but since you brought it up.... I'm asking. :)
Have you tried to open backoffice in another browser? Clear cookies associated with that domain.
Oh, sorry, this is textarea for Comments.... to resize it so that it doesn't overflow into the sidebar. I had made it larger to comment on a post and it never went back to normal size; it had changed ALL the textarea in Comments. When the blogs were upgraded the textarea didn't go back. So, how do I get this resized so that the textarea stays in the left column?
I don't see any problems with comments textarea, can you make a screenshot?
Undo your changes to feedback forms, compare the files to original skin.
I have a screenshot but I don't see how I can upload it. "IMG" button looks like it is for a url link. Anyway, the area that I'm referring to would be the area if you were to make a comment in a post. The text area use to be in column one -- now, a small portion overlaps into column two. This is what I would like to fix.
As of post views in backoffice, find and uncomment the following in /inc/items/views/_item_list_full.view.php 230
// Uncomment this in case you wnt to count view in backoffice:
$Item->count_view( array(
'allow_multiple_counts_per_page' => false,
) );
I uncommented the area that you suggest; however, it didn't work. This is particularly useful for private blogs to keep track. In private blogs on Admin side, it still says "No Views".
One other note that I forgot to mention... the count of post views in Admin doesn't work anymore as it use to, particularly for private blogs. I've doubled checked to see if it is ticked, and it is!