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1 May 20, 2012 02:59    


I've just started using b2evolution and find it really great and relatively easy to use and setup. But I'm having difficulty in changing the text in a menu item

I am using a downloaded skin called GoodLivingBlogTheme and under the header part there is a horizontal menu. The menu options are "Home", "About Blog A" and "Contact".

I have found out where I can change the text for "Home" and "Contact", but not for "About Blog A".

Strangely enough, I have deleted all blogs except Blog A, and I have renamed it as well, so I would have thought that changing the Name would have also changed the Menu item?

Does anyone know just how I can achieve the above change, or where the bit of code is located.



2 May 22, 2012 01:33

Try looking in the General Blog Settings page - you may find the variable there.

Additionally, I think what you're seeing is a widget, which can be turned off in the Widgets section of Blog Settings (maybe something like Blog Title or Blog Shortname or something)

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