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1 Jun 10, 2012 05:05    

My b2evolution Version: 4.1.x

Using 4.1.3. My server error logs are indicating that there are missing files, eg /xmlsrv/xmlrpc.php and others. However the files are there in the correct place. It is though the system is selectively ignoring the base url setting to locate the files and seeking them in the root directory and not the directory b2evolution is located.

Any ideas as to the issue/fix?

2 Jun 10, 2012 10:25

Check .htaccess for invalid redirect rules. Check permissions on missing files.

3 Jun 11, 2012 02:56

There is only one redirect re 404 errors and no missing files. The error message indicates that it is looking for the file as though b2evolution is loaded from the root directory - it is loaded from a folder of the root eg /0805/... The correct folder is /0805/htsrv/comment_post.php and not /htsrv/comment_post.php

It appears that /htsrv/comment_post.php is the only file affected and it is coming off a number of the blogs I have loaded in this site.


5 Jun 11, 2012 23:52

See the following - the problem existed before the deny from where added

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^https://(www\.)?*$ [NC]
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|js|css)$ - [F]
SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^" BadReferrer
SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^" BadReferrer
SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^" BadReferrer
SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^" BadReferrer
order deny,allow
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from

6 Jun 12, 2012 00:01

Have you changed /conf/_advanced.php or any other config file?
Can you post _advanced.php file here?

7 Jun 12, 2012 00:08

See following which is the /conf/_advance.php. As a rule I am not into changing configuration files.

* This file includes advanced settings for the evoCore framework.
* Please NOTE: You should not comment variables out to prevent
* URL overrides.
* @package conf
* @version $Id: _advanced.php 1109 2012-03-28 19:25:20Z sam2kb $
if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

* No Translation. Does nothing.
* Nevertheless, the string will be extracted by the gettext tools
function NT_( $string )
return $string;

* Display debugging informations?
* 0 = no
* 1 = yes
* 2 = yes and potentially die() to display debug info (needed before redirects, e-g message_send.php)
* 'pwd' = require password
* @global integer
$debug = 'pwd';

* When $debug is 'pwd' and you set a /password/ below,
* you can turn on debugging at any time by adding ?debug=YOUR_PASSWORD to your url.
* You can turn off by adding just ?debug
* @var string
$debug_pwd = '';

// Most of the time you'll want to see all errors, including notices:
// b2evo should run notice free! (plugins too!)
if( version_compare( phpversion(), '5.3', '>=' ) )
{ // sam2kb> Disable E_STRICT messages on PHP > 5.3, there are numerous E_STRICT warnings displayed throughout the app
error_reporting( E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT );
error_reporting( E_ALL );

// To help debugging severe errors, you'll probably want PHP to display the errors on screen.
// In this case, uncomment the following line:
// ini_set( 'display_errors', 'on' );

// If you get blank pages, PHP may be crashing because it doesn't have enough memory.
// The default is 8 MB (in PHP < 5.2) and 128 MB (in PHP > 5.2)
// Try uncommmenting the following line:
// ini_set( 'memory_limit', '32M' );

* Log application errors through {@link error_log() PHP's logging facilities}?
* This means that they will get logged according to PHP's error_log configuration directive.
* Experimental! This may be changed to use regular files instead/optionally.
* @todo Provide logging into normal file instead (more useful for backtraces/multiline error messages)
* @global integer 0: off; 1: log errors; 2: include function backtraces (Default: 1)
$log_app_errors = 1;

* Thumbnail size definitions.
* NOTE: this gets used for general resizing, too. E.g. in the coll_avatar_Widget.
* type, width, height, quality
$thumbnail_sizes = array(
'fit-720x500' => array( 'fit', 720, 500, 90 ),
'fit-640x480' => array( 'fit', 640, 480, 90 ),
'fit-520x390' => array( 'fit', 520, 390, 90 ),
'fit-400x320' => array( 'fit', 400, 320, 85 ),
'fit-320x320' => array( 'fit', 320, 320, 85 ),
'fit-160x160' => array( 'fit', 160, 160, 80 ),
'fit-160x120' => array( 'fit', 160, 120, 80 ),
'fit-80x80' => array( 'fit', 80, 80, 80 ),
'crop-80x80' => array( 'crop', 80, 80, 85 ),
'crop-64x64' => array( 'crop', 64, 64, 85 ),
'crop-48x48' => array( 'crop', 48, 48, 85 ),
'crop-32x32' => array( 'crop', 32, 32, 85 ),
'crop-15x15' => array( 'crop', 15, 15, 85 ),

* Demo mode
* - Do not allow update of files in the file manager
* - Do not allow changes to the 'demouser' and 'admin' account/group
* - Blog media directories can only be configured to be inside of {@link $media_path}
* @global boolean Default: false
$demo_mode = false;

* URL of the Home link at the top left.
* By default this is the base url. And unless you do a complex installation, there is no need to change this.
$home_url = $baseurl;

* Comments: Set this to 1 to require e-mail and name, or 0 to allow comments
* without e-mail/name.
* @global boolean $require_name_email
$require_name_email = 1;

* Minimum interval (in seconds) between consecutive comments from same IP.
* @global int $minimum_comment_interval
$minimum_comment_interval = 30;

* Check antispam blacklist for private messages.
* Do you want to check the antispam blocklist when a message form is submitted?
* @global boolean $antispam_on_message_form
$antispam_on_message_form = 1;

* By default images get copied into b2evo cache without resampling if they are smaller
* than requested thumbnails.
* Althought, if you want to use the BeforeThumbCreate event (Watermark plugin),
* this should be set to 'true' in order to process smaller images.
* @global boolean Default: false
$resample_all_images = false;

// Get hostname out of baseurl
// YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS unless you know what you're doing
if( preg_match( '#^(https?://(.+?)(:(.+?))?)(/.*)$#', $baseurl, $matches ) )
$baseurlroot = $matches[1]; // no ending slash!
// echo "baseurlroot=$baseurlroot <br />";
$basehost = $matches[2];
// echo "basehost=$basehost <br />";
$baseport = $matches[4];
// echo "baseport=$baseport <br />";
$basesubpath = $matches[5];
// echo "basesubpath=$basesubpath <br />";
die( 'Your baseurl ('.$baseurl.') set in _basic_config.php seems invalid. You probably missed the "http://" prefix or the trailing slash. Please correct that.' );

* Base domain of b2evolution.
* By default we try to extract it automagically from $basehost (itself extracted from $abaseurl)
* But you may need to adjust this manually.
* @todo does anyone have a clean way of handling stuff like ?
* @global string
$basedomain = preg_replace( '/^( .* \. )? (.+? \. .+? )$/xi', '$2', $basehost );

* Short name of this system (will be used for cookies and notification emails).
* Change this only if you install mutliple b2evolutions on the same website.
* WARNING: don't play with this or you'll have tons of cookies sent away and your
* readers surely will complain about it!
* You can change the notification email address alone a few lines below.
* @todo generate a random instance name at install and have it saved in the global params in the DB
* @global string Default: 'b2evo'
$instance_name = 'b2evo'; // MUST BE A SINGLE WORD! NO SPACES!!

* Default email address for sending notifications (comments, trackbacks,
* user registrations...).
* Set a custom address like this:
* <code>$notify_from = '';</code>
* Alternatively you can use this automated address generation (which removes "www." from
* the beginning of $basehost):
* <code>$notify_from = $instance_name.'@'.preg_replace( '/^www\./i', '', $basehost );</code>
* @global string Default: $instance_name.'@'.$basehost;
$notify_from = $instance_name.'-noreply@'.preg_replace( '/^www\./i', '', $basehost );

// ** DB options **

* Show MySQL errors? (default: true)
* This is recommended on production environments.
$db_config['show_errors'] = true;

* Halt on MySQL errors? (default: true)
* Setting this to false is not recommended,
$db_config['halt_on_error'] = true;

* CREATE TABLE options.
* DO NOT USE unless you know what you're doing -- For most options, we want to work on a table by table basis.
$db_config['table_options'] = ''; // Low ranking MySQL hosting compatibility Default

* Use transactions in DB?
* You need to use InnoDB in order to enable this.
$db_config['use_transactions'] = true;

* Display elements that are different on each request (Page processing time, ..)
* Set this to true to prevent displaying minor changing elements (like time) in order not to have artificial content changes
* @global boolean Default: false
$obhandler_debug = false;

// ** Cookies **

* This is the path that will be associated to cookies.
* That means cookies set by this b2evo install won't be seen outside of this path on the domain below.
* @global string Default: preg_replace( '#https?://[^/]+#', '', $baseurl )
$cookie_path = preg_replace( '#https?://[^/]+#', '', $baseurl );

* Cookie domain.
* That means cookies set by this b2evo install won't be seen outside of this domain.
* We'll take {@link $basehost} by default (the leading dot includes subdomains), but
* when there's no dot in it, at least Firefox will not set the cookie. The best
* example for having no dot in the host name is 'localhost', but it's the case for
* host names in an intranet also.
* Note: "" cookies will be sent to too.
* But, see
* "If multiple cookies satisfy the criteria above, they are ordered in
* the Cookie header such that those with more specific Path attributes
* precede those with less specific. Ordering with respect to other
* attributes (e.g., Domain) is unspecified."
* @global string Default: ( strpos($basehost, '.') ) ? '.'. $basehost : '';
if( strpos($basehost, '.') === false )
{ // localhost or windows machine name:
$cookie_domain = '';
elseif( preg_match( '~^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$~i', $basehost ) )
{ // Use the basehost as it is:
$cookie_domain = $basehost;
$cookie_domain = preg_replace( '/^(www\. )? (.+)$/xi', '.$2', $basehost );

// When hosting multiple domains (not just subdomains) on a single instance of b2evo,
// you may want to try this:
// $cookie_domain = '.'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
// or this: -- Have a cookie domain of 2 levels only, base on current basehost.
// $cookie_domain = preg_replace( '/^( .* \. )? (.+? \. .+? )$/xi', '.$2', $basehost );
// fp> pb with domains like !?

// echo $cookie_domain;

* Names for cookies.
// The following remember the comment meta data for non registered users:
$cookie_name = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'name';
$cookie_email = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'email';
$cookie_url = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'url';
// The following handles the session:
$cookie_session = str_replace( '.', '_', 'session_'.$instance_name.'_'.$cookie_domain );

* Expiration for comment meta data cookies.
* Note: user sessions use different settings (config in admin)
* Value in seconds, set this to 0 if you wish to use non permanent cookies (erased when browser is closed).
* Default: time() + 31536000 (one year from now)
* @global int $cookie_expires
$cookie_expires = time() + 31536000;

* Expired-time used to erase comment meta data cookies.
* Note: user sessions use different settings (config in admin)
* Default: time() - 86400 (24 hours ago)
* @global int $cookie_expired
$cookie_expired = time() - 86400;

* Crumb expiration time
* Default: 2 hours
* @global int $crumb_expires
$crumb_expires = 7200;

* Page cache expiration time
* How old can a cached object get before we consider it outdated
* Default: 15 minutes
* @global int $pagecache_max_age
$pagecache_max_age = 900;

// ** Location of the b2evolution subdirectories **

- You should only move these around if you really need to.
- You should keep everything as subdirectories of the base folder
($baseurl which is set in _basic_config.php, default is the /blogs/ folder)
- Remember you can set the baseurl to your website root (-> _basic_config.php).

NOTE: All paths must have a trailing slash!

Example of a possible setting:
$conf_subdir = 'settings/b2evo/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$conf_subdir = '../../'; // Relative path to go back to base
* Location of the configuration files.
* Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by PHP only.
* @global string $conf_subdir
$conf_subdir = 'conf/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$conf_path = str_replace( '\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__) ).'/';

* @global string Path of the base.
* fp> made

nsensitive to case because of Windows URL oddities)
$basepath = preg_replace( '#/'.$conf_subdir.'$#i', '', $conf_path ).'/';
// echo '<br/>basepath='.$basepath;

* Location of the include folder.
* Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by PHP only.
* @global string $inc_subdir
$inc_subdir = 'inc/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$inc_path = $basepath.$inc_subdir; // You should not need to change this
$misc_inc_path = $inc_path.'_misc/'; // You should not need to change this

* Location of the HTml SeRVices folder.
* Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible through HTTP.
* @global string $htsrv_subdir
$htsrv_subdir = 'htsrv/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$htsrv_path = $basepath.$htsrv_subdir; // You should not need to change this
$htsrv_url = $baseurl.$htsrv_subdir; // You should not need to change this

* Sensitive URL to the htsrv folder.
* Set this separately (based on {@link $htsrv_url}), if you want to use
* SSL for login, registration and profile updates (where passwords are
* involved), but not for the whole htsrv scripts.
* @global string
$htsrv_url_sensitive = $htsrv_url;

* Location of the XML SeRVices folder.
* @global string $xmlsrv_subdir
$xmlsrv_subdir = 'xmlsrv/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$xmlsrv_url = $baseurl.$xmlsrv_subdir; // You should not need to change this

* Location of the RSC folder.
* Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible through HTTP.
* @global string $rsc_subdir
$rsc_subdir = 'rsc/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$rsc_path = $basepath.$rsc_subdir; // You should not need to change this
$rsc_url = $baseurl.$rsc_subdir; // You should not need to change this

* Location of the skins folder.
* @global string $skins_subdir
$skins_subdir = 'skins/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$skins_path = $basepath.$skins_subdir; // You should not need to change this
$skins_url = $baseurl.$skins_subdir; // You should not need to change this

* Location of the admin interface dispatcher
$dispatcher = 'admin.php'; // DEPRECATED
$admin_url = $baseurl.$dispatcher;

* Location of the admin skins folder.
* Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by both PHP AND through HTTP.
* @global string $adminskins_subdir
$adminskins_subdir = 'skins_adm/'; // Subdirectory relative to ADMIN
$adminskins_path = $basepath.$adminskins_subdir; // You should not need to change this
$adminskins_url = $baseurl.$adminskins_subdir; // You should not need to change this

* Location of the locales folder.
* Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by PHP AND MAY NEED to be accessible through HTTP.
* Exact requirements depend on future uses like localized icons.
* @global string $locales_subdir
$locales_subdir = 'locales/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$locales_path = $basepath.$locales_subdir; // You should not need to change this

* Location of the plugins.
* Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by PHP AND MAY NEED to be accessible through HTTP.
* Exact requirements depend on installed plugins.
* @global string $plugins_subdir
$plugins_subdir = 'plugins/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$plugins_path = $basepath.$plugins_subdir; // You should not need to change this
$plugins_url = $baseurl.$plugins_subdir; // You should not need to change this

* Location of the cron folder.
* Note: Depebding on how you will set up cron execution, this folder may or may not NEED to be accessible by PHP through HTTP.
* @global string $cron_subdir
$cron_subdir = 'cron/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$cron_url = $baseurl.$cron_subdir; // You should not need to change this

* Location of the install folder.
* @global string $install_subdir
$install_subdir = 'install/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$install_path = $basepath.$install_subdir; // You should not need to change this

* Location of the rendered page cache folder.
* Note: This folder does NOT NEED to be accessible through HTTP.
* This folder MUST be writable by PHP.
* @global string $cache_subdir
$cache_subdir = 'cache/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$cache_path = $basepath.$cache_subdir; // You should not need to change this

* Location of the root media folder.
* Note: This folder MAY or MAY NOT NEED to be accessible by PHP AND/OR through HTTP.
* Exact requirements depend on $public_access_to_media .
* @global string $media_subdir
$media_subdir = 'media/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$media_path = $basepath.$media_subdir; // You should not need to change this
$media_url = $baseurl.$media_subdir; // You should not need to change this

* Location of the backup folder.
* Note: This folder does NOT NEED to be accessible through HTTP.
* This folder MUST be writable by PHP.
* @global string $backup_subdir
$backup_subdir = '_backup/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$backup_path = $basepath.$backup_subdir; // You should not need to change this

* Location of the upgrade folder.
* Note: This folder does NOT NEED to be accessible through HTTP.
* This folder MUST be writable by PHP.
* @global string $upgrade_subdir
$upgrade_subdir = '_upgrade/'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$upgrade_path = $basepath.$upgrade_subdir; // You should not need to change this

// Define default avatar image URL
// fp> TODO: do not use a setting for this.
// fp> put the file into the shared files directory with the other sample "admin" avatars. That way it is very easy to replace with another default.
// fp> PS: I like the ? image ;)
$default_avatar = $rsc_url.'img/default_avatar.jpg';

* Do you want to allow public access to the media dir?
* WARNING: If you set this to false, evocore will use /htsrv/getfile.php as a stub
* to access files and getfile.php will check the User permisssion to view files.
* HOWEVER this will not prevent users from hitting directly into the media folder
* with their web browser. You still need to restrict access to the media folder
* from your webserver.
* @global boolean
$public_access_to_media = true;

* Do you want to stay in the current blog when you click on a post title or permalink,
* even if the post main cat belongs to another blog?
* @global boolean
$cross_post_nav_in_same_blog = true;

* File extensions that the admin will not be able to enable in the Settings
$force_upload_forbiddenext = array( 'cgi', 'exe', 'htaccess', 'htpasswd', 'php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'php6', 'phtml', 'pl', 'vbs' );

* Admin can configure max file upload size, but he won't be able to set it higher than this "max max" value.
$upload_maxmaxkb = 10000;

* The admin can configure the regexp for valid file names in the Settings interface
* However if the following values are set to non empty, the admin will not be able to customize these values.
$force_regexp_filename = '';
$force_regexp_dirname = '';

* XMLRPC logging. Set this to 1 to log XMLRPC calls received by this server (into /xmlsrv/xmlrpc.log).
* Default: 0
* @global int $debug_xmlrpc_logging
$debug_xmlrpc_logging = 0;

* Seconds after which a scheduled task is considered to be timed out.
$cron_timeout_delay = 1800; // 30 minutes

* Enable a workaround to allow accessing posts with URL titles ending with
* a dash (workaround for old bug).
* In b2evolution v2.4.5 new tag URLs were introduced: You could choose
* to have tag URLs ending with a dash. This lead to problems with post
* URL titles accidentially ending with a dash (today, URL titles cannot
* end with a dash anymore): Instead of displaying the post, the post
* title was handled as a tag name. When this setting is enabled, all tag
* names which are exactly 40 chars long and end with a dash are handled
* in the following way:
* Try to find a post with the given tag name as the URL title. If there
* is a matching post, display it; otherwise, display the normal tag page.
* Note: If you use a 39 chars-long tag name, have an URL title which is
* the same as the tag *but* additionally has a dash at the end and you
* use the dash as a tag URL "marker", you won't be able to access either
* the post or the tag page, depending on the value of this setting.
* @global boolean $tags_dash_fix
* @internal Tblue> We perhaps should notify the user if we detect bogus
* post URLs (check on upgrade?) and recommend enabling
* this setting.
$tags_dash_fix = 0;

* Use hacks file (DEPRECATED) -- see /inc/
$use_hacks = false;

$evonetsrv_host = '';
$evonetsrv_port = 80;
$evonetsrv_uri = '/evonetsrv/xmlrpc.php';

$antispamsrv_host = '';
$antispamsrv_port = 80;
$antispamsrv_uri = '/evonetsrv/xmlrpc.php';

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