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1 Jun 12, 2012 19:37    

I've been trying to track down the latest version of the b2evolution plugin that uses Syntax Highlighter ( ).
I just run into broken links or really old versions from 4 or 5 years ago.

Can anyone tell me where the latest version is?

2 Jun 12, 2012 20:00

There's a built-in "Code highlight" plugin
Open Global settings > Plugins > Install new

3 Jun 13, 2012 10:41

I've been using AstonishMe's "Code highlight" since I started using b2e. It only supports PHP, XML and CSS. If you want support for other languages you have to start messing with the plugin class files and css. No thanks!

There have been plugin wrappers for syntaxhighligher, which is definitely the way to go. Let another project handle the strain of keeping a code highlighter up to date.

I've been trying to convert the code_highlight_plugin to use syntaxhighligher but I got so little help when I asked about renderer plugins that I've been struggling:

I know it was you that answered that as well! So I thought I'd ask here in case someone has written this wrapper for us already. I found a few but they all tend to be on other peoples' blogs and so it's difficult to see which is the latest.

4 Jun 13, 2012 18:02

I agree that current code highlighter is very limited, I don't like it either.
Can you post links to those blogs?

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