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1 Jun 11, 2012 16:56    

My b2evolution Version: 3.x


We are having problems with speed on the site--not on the front end, but on the back end--the admin area.

When posting, checking stats, etc., the speed has decreased dramatically within the past few weeks.

When checking stats, it often just spins and never goes anywhere. When posting, it sometimes spins and we lose whatever information we were trying to save. A few times we have gotten error messages (page unavailable, etc.).

What could be causing this to happen?

It's becoming a serious problem, and I would really appreciate your help.


2 Jun 11, 2012 19:41

Is there anyone who can help me with this?

Major pressure from my boss to figure this out. :-/

3 Jun 11, 2012 20:21

You probably have a lot of stats. Lower the number of days to store on Global settings > Features tab

4 Jun 11, 2012 20:25

Thanks for replying!

We recently lowered from 30 days to 15.

Could it be anything else? This isn't just happening when we view stats--also (at times) when we post...and just move around in general on the back end.

But, like I said, front end is fine.

6 Jun 11, 2012 20:43

I did check the error logs and not sure if this is significant--most were "file does not exist" but the file sought was robots.txt most of the time.

Didn't see anything else stand out there.

We are using VPS--just upgraded--load is ok--though after we upgraded, we have experienced an increase in visits and "hits"--and bandwidth usage has increased (like, as of today, we are about halfway to where we were for the whole month of May).

7 Jun 11, 2012 21:06

It looks like a slow server then.
Open 'top' and see if mysql is eating 100% CPU while you are browsing through b2evo control panel.

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