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1 Jul 28, 2012 22:08    

My b2evolution Version: 4.1.x

I've done a bunch of search through the forums and can't seem to find a good answer. I'm looking for a way to SHARE (NOT "LIKE") a post onto Facebook. All the plugins I've tried thus far "LIKE" but don't SHARE. Even with something like ShareThis, the POST isn't shared, just the main blog url. I've read about how meta info needs to be provided to gather image info to post on Facebook, but it should would be nice if there was a decent Facebook SHARE plugin to enable post by post, that pulled the proper info from the post (image, video clip, title, etc.) and worked like most other website's "SHARE ON FACEBOOK" links. Is there a solution I'm missing?

3 Sep 06, 2012 17:04

Hi Ethan5150

I added these lines in of the skin I use :

$jl_status = @$Item->status;
if( ($jl_status != 'private') AND  ($jl_status != 'protected') ){ 
  if( ! $Item->is_intro() ){
    echo ' <div class="action_right" style="margin-top:-7px;">';
    echo ' <span style="color:blue;">Share &raquo;</span>';
    echo ' <a href="'; echo $Item->permanent_url(); echo '&t='; echo $Item->title(); echo '&src=sp" title="This link opens a new window to share this post on your Facebook wall (if you have a Facebook profile, of course)" target="_blank"><img style="width:22px;vertical-align:-5px;" src="img/fb.png" alt="Share this post on Facebook" /></a>';
    echo ' &nbsp;<a href="'; echo $Item->permanent_url(); echo '" &title="'; echo $Item->title(); echo '" title="This link opens a new window to share this post on your Google+ profile (if you have a G+ profile, of course)" target="_blank"><img style="width:21px;vertical-align:-4px;" src="img/gplus-32.png" alt="Share this post on Google+" /></a>';
    echo '</div>';

You need to put the two icons in the /img directory f the skin you use.
You may copy them from my site:

5 Sep 06, 2012 22:48

Facebook share and like are basically the same things anymore, though they are still calculated seperately, facebook has plans of merging the two and deprecating the share.
But it's pretty easy, i ll add an option to add share in social buttons plugin, it needs to be updated anyway, the button codes keep changing.

6 Sep 07, 2012 01:58

Ok, so it sound like I should just wait until the social buttons plugin is updated, yeah?

7 Sep 07, 2012 10:29

You could do that, or simply add your own as such:

<a class="fbshare" href="<?php echo $baseurl; ?>index.php?p=<?php $Item->ID();?>">

Ethan5150 wrote:

Ok, so it sound like I should just wait until the social buttons plugin is updated, yeah?

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