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1 Jan 05, 2005 14:27    

Just upgraded to Copenhagen. Aside from wishing that the skin incompatabilities had been more prominently noted in the upgrade notes, the big thing i notice is that the response is significantly slower and the load times are significantly longer.

Anybody have any thoughts / fixes on this ?

2 Jan 05, 2005 18:35

I didn't notice any difference in load times, and I don't remember any being reported. Has anyone else found slower load times?

Are you sure that it's not an issue with your host? If your host doesn't have a fast enough processor in the server, or not enough RAM, then performance will be affected.

3 Jan 06, 2005 19:22

There are indeed a few more DB requests in 0.9, some due to added features and some that will be optimized in 0.9.2

4 Jan 06, 2005 21:06

Well, That's what had me wondering. I run my own host (sun-sparc-solaris-9 ultra-60 apache2.x/mysql 3.x/php4.x and load averages certainly haven't risen due to one application, but even still, the page-delivery times did increase.

It's not horrible, but was significant enough for me to notice


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