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1 Feb 17, 2005 16:26    

OK well there was one post on the site, but there where no answers. The first problem is that if you use the following html:

<object width="550" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf">
<embed src="somefilename.swf" width="550" height="400">

you will get a, "illegal tag - object"... Next problem is that you have to add the Object tag into the "conf/_formatting.php".. now the next problem is that you have to disable the HTML checker.... But when all is said and done you get a uneditable text entry..

SO ANY ONE OUT THERE that can sheed some light into this subject??? If this can be done, then you can use flash to insert VIDEO and AUDIO with ease...
This should be desireable for every one

2 Feb 17, 2005 23:26

I added flash to my page, [url=]view it here[/url]

But I didn't call it directly. Instead, I put it as a link to a XHTML (transitional) page that runs a flash detect javaScript ... which determines if the user has the Flash plug-in (directing them to a non-flash.html page if they don't, they get a message saying they need it and a link to go get it).

It's all in German, I see! Yites!

(I didn't gen up these pages myself, having used a free RIVA program by the German Company 'Rothenberger & Partner' ... )

Maybe not the direct solution you want, but it worked for me AND because it opens in another html file, I have the added benefit of opening it up into a new window, if I want, by using: (haven't done this yet, for the video link, btw) ... now I have 2 things on my todo list - THANKS A LOT!! ;)

<a href="no-JavaVideo.html" onclick="open.window('javaVideo.html'); return false">

Which directs non-Java viewers to a non-java page to see the video (in the same window, degrading gracefully) OR directs Java viewers to a Java page that opens in a new window.

I'll be curious to see if you get the object tag working, though I noted that you don't have a type attribute for it. (Does the code you tried work on a stand-a-lone HTML page? I'm assuming yes, but if you haven't, I'd get it working there first.)

Good luck.

3 Feb 18, 2005 10:32

Thanks for the reply. I had relized I could do this, but being able to seed the flash file inside of the actual post is the challence that I am trying to figure out. Thanks again, I just don't think any one has even tried this before...

4 Feb 25, 2005 14:45

see post;

(It started on audio, but includes SWF video)

Whoo posted a method for imbedding a flash video and there is discussion about editing the formatting.php file to allow the <object> tag via the "html checker"

I'm still looking for a way to control a SWF video (start/stop), as the Whoo's solution will embed the video and it will start playing as soon as the page loads.

(I want users to SEE the first frame, in some type of simple viewer, then hit PLAY to view & bring the image to life. Volume control? Not necessary.)

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