2 personman Feb 24, 2005 22:17

I'm not sure what your problem is, I installed to http://blogs.mikkysworld.com and I don't seem to have problem linking comments etc.
I have to note that my installation was a scripted installation provided by my hosts www.eckohost.com but as far as I can see it's hackfree (until I started playing with it :) )
Right. One subdomain would work fine, but I want several blogs, each with its own subdomain, and only one installation of b2evolution. I can use .htaccess to point a subdomain to an address and get a good entry point, but I can't get the permalinks to use the subdomain and look how I want. I'm probably just being picky, but it seems like it should be possible to do what I want. If I knew more about mod_rewrite and php I would hack it myself. From what I hear the next major release will do just what I want.
Use this as mod_rewrite in your .htaccess file...
This mod_rewrite depends on the use of stub files....
RewriteEngine On
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteBase /
# Skip rewrite if no hostname or if subdomain is www
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}<->%{REQUEST_URI} ^([^.]+)\.<domain without www>\.<tld>(:80)?<->/([^/]*) [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !%1
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ stub/%1 [L]
replace <domain without www> with your domain
replace <tld> with the tld.
Example :
So maybe someone can do now something for me.
I want a plugin that when a person registers himself, he gets of course an email to convirm and when he convirms, automatic a copy of a default blogfile (stub file) is copied with his choosen nickname (is subdomain).
So everything is automatically created and ready to use for him...
It's not working for me. I have a stub named stub (no .php) sitting in the root directory. I added those lines to my .htaccess and tried going to stub.personman.com. I just get a 500 error.
oeps sorry !
This line is the problem :
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ stub/%1 [L]
my stubfiles are all in a subdir called stub..
so here is my root of my website like.
So of course you have to tweak al ittle bit the code ...
i gues your line would be :
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ./%1 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ %1 [L]
meaning every file in your root can also be accessed as a subdomain.
For example the stub file monkey is then accessible as
because there are also other files in the root of your website besides stub-files, i created for myself a subdirectory called stub.
I put in this directory my stub files.
And with my designed mod_rewrite code, you can then access a stub file as a subdomain without changing dns etc.
And its much more quicker then dns....
Ok, thank you.
Now if only there was a way to make my permalinks go to stub.personman.com/2005/03/02/title
instead of
I know it's a minor difference, and it would require some changes to b2evo's core, but that's my ideal permalink. I am, however convinced to switch my main blog (danny.brendoman.com) to b2evo. Of all the CMSs I've tried, it's been the most suited to what I want to do. Thanks again for your help.
i agree with that.
B2Evo is in my opinion the best there is.
easy to tweak.
i use it now for 2 weeks...
I already see many possibilities that for instance wordpress certainly not have. And with the code right now also in future not will have in the ease B2Evo has it.
And B2Evo is more secure.
The above rewrite rules did not work for me. Can somebody throw more light on the above please?
Raptor I need your help! :(
My .htaccess file looks like this:
RewriteEngine On
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}<->%{REQUEST_URI} ^([^.]+)\.blog.nuh\.pl(:80)?<->/([^/]*) [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !%1
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ blogi/%1 [L]
I keep my stub files in "/blogi" folder...
When I try to call a domain f.e. http://presik.blog.nuh.pl I get "500:Internal Server Error" :(
I have no idea why :(
A am looking forward for your help!
Thx in advance...
I don't think raptor will help you. If you look on his progiil, he hasn't posted anything in a year. So I guess he doesn't come here anymore. =(
Anyway, I hope somebody else will be able to help you!
I removed the YaBBa hack, so none of the links above work now. Is there a way to get permalinks like I want without installing b2e to the web root?