2 kiesow Mar 30, 2005 00:52

I believe that rmiller is simply following through with my suggestion from [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=17650]this post here[/url]
What he's referring to is that the Back Office "Display Settings" (specifically the number of entries per page and the archive method) affect ALL blogs. What he (I and presumably, others) would like to see, are blog-independent display settings.
That is, Blog #1 could have, say, 7 posts per page and a monthly archive, while Blog #2 has 1 post per page and a postbypost archive, ad infinitum.
(Rmiller's heart was in the right place, even if his discriptive verbage was a tad too terse). ;)
While I realize that there are kludgy work-a-rounds for these *shortcomings* (and which I've implemented, with a certain degree of compromise and success on our site), it would make sense for a multi-blog-capable blogging tool, such as b2evo, to integrate this capability into the production release.
I would want such a feature so bad !
I wonder how you hadnt add this before, so please add this feature ! it is so important ! may be you want to make a photo blog with on of the blogs (to show one photo in each page) and you want to have 60 post on the other blog .it is soooooooooo important
I was VERY surprised when I learned that these features were not included in the default installation of b2evo (especially because b2evo bills itself as a multi-blog tool).
Hopefully, this shortcoming will be addressed in the next major release. (The work-a-rounds are not ideal).
please always make examples or be specific enough to let people understand what you mean.
i can't associate anything with "independent settings".