2 isaac May 31, 2005 18:11

thanks so much!
i tried that, and it worked great..
thanks again!
So where's the code?
i ended up going back and just using post via email...
you can see an example of this in action at:
i got one of those free k7.net voicemail numbers, and wrote a python script to scan it for a new entry, and send that via email to the blog..
it works really well..
if you call that number and leave a confession, it goes up in a few mintues...
sergio_101 wrote:
[...]wrote a python script to scan it for a new entry, and send that via email to the blog..
Care to post your script? (Or send via PM?)
yeah, i can do that..
let me clean it up a bit first.. so it doesn't have all the passwords for everything in there..
be warned..
this was my very first python script.. i had to learn python in a week, so i wrote this script to learn it..
so, it looks horrible..
but it works!
1 doesn't work because you're not linking to a category.
It goes like this, barring any special settings, when you display a blog:
Select a blog (select * from evo_blogs where blog_ID = $blog)
Grab the categories associated with that blog (inner join evo_categories on cat_blog_ID = blog_ID)
Grab the posts associated with those categories (inner join evo_postcats on postcat_cat_ID = cat_id inner join evo_posts on post_ID = postcat_post_ID)
You're creating an entry in the evo_posts table, but NOT in the evo_postcats table, so there's no categories associated with the post.