2 kweb Jul 28, 2005 04:42

I was looking through some sites trying to find a way to battle the ever annoying spam
I cam across this guys solution for Movable type I know we are talking two different formats but I was wondering if this therory could be applied to B2evo
his post is here
and he wrote
Last week sometime, fed up with the unending comment spam (thousands per week), I had an epiphany. Spammers aren't slowed down by changing the action of the comment submission form, so it's obvious that they're parsing that out of the markup for the form. By simply removing that from the form, theoretically the comment spam should stop. Could it really be that simple?
Sure enough, it certainly seems to have worked. On submission of the form, the action is populated with JavaScript (view an entry and check the source), so the form works exactly as before, but the actual destination URL isn't available in the source without a pretty clever parser (or a human).
So I was wondering is this really possible?
Yes, you could do the same thing in b2evolution. Just be aware that anyone that has JavaScript disabled will not be able to post comments on your blog, and it may not be immediately clear why.