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1 Aug 10, 2005 05:25    

ok, well I know this is a bit of a daunty topic, and I know a lot of people are dealing with irefer spam. So what I ask may not be reasonable...

but for some of us laymen out there who for some reason, and even after following many a websites directions arent able to compose a working .htaccess file, is there any one or any place that hosts a .htaccess file that I could perhaps put into my blog folder??? 200MB a day of refer spam is a bit much afterall, and I tried the solutions on the website, but they've led to nothing :(

2 Aug 10, 2005 06:16

Before worrying about .htaccess stuff why not stick to the basics? For example you have referers on your stats page that have been in the antispam database for a long long time.

Update your antispam table several times until you only get one update that is 'already done'. That won't clear your hitlog table, but it will stop them from registering more hits. If you feel like hacking into the code a bit follow my "antispam rechecker" hack to clean up your existing hitlog table. Part 3 is where most people go, but you kinda need to read through [url=]Part1[/url] and [url=]Part2[/url] to make sense out of [url=]Part3[/url]

To really cut the bandwidth damage [url=]check out this post[/url] and do like it says. You can do this one without bothering with my rechecking hack, but the rechecker just makes things easier to manage.

Finally, since your stats page is not linked on your blog, just rename (or delete I guess) the skins/skinname/_stats.php file. Spammers won't be able to see if they score a hit, and that makes some of them go away.

4 Jan 26, 2006 05:25

My website is under constant 'refer spam' attack
In 3 days 50% of my monthly allocated bandwith has been consumed !
This is a serious problem when you pay for extra bandwidth consumed
Daily I get 57,000 hits, 99% from spammer

The solution to beat this spammer madman is simple

move your /blogs folder to /nospam/blogs

create /blogs/.htaccess file and add

order deny,allow
Redirect / /nospam

spammer will recieve 302 error code
Real browser will go automatically to new url !

If spammer figures out what is happening then move to /nospam2 folder and so on


5 Jan 26, 2006 15:02

Also, make sure you're running version 0.9.1. It does a lot to reduce the amount of bandwidth that spammers use.

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