My issue is that after I added a section on my sidebar to allow for the last comments to be displayed - People who add long url links pushes out the sidebar into my main content rather than it wrapping.
What I want to do is add some text on my comment section... in order to give some guidlines on people's comments... asking them to use the proper html to create a link rather than add the longer link.
(it would be nice to add a button like it has in the edit area as well... but that is another story)
I want to say that I edited this informatoin before, but I cannot remember where the proper file is to edit.
The code for generating the comment form could be in one of two places. First check in /skins/yourskin/_feedback.php. If you're using the stock version of this file, then it will be very short and only call the longer version after some minor customization. Or you may have replaced it with a copy of hte longer version from the skins/ directory, in which case you'll need to edit this file. If you kept the short version, then you need to edit the file that that is being called, which is /skins/_feedback.php.
In either case, search the file for 'form to add a comment' and you should find the code for displaying the comment form. Drop in whatever text you want and save the file.