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1 Jul 29, 2005 11:57    

warning first, my blog contains some adult content...

I have my main blog set up at

and I have another blog set up as the #3 blog, which would normally be accessed at

but I want it to be accessed at

so I am experimenting with stub files, and I have it temporarily set up at with the default name a_stub.php

but the page is just blank

i have the admin set up like this:
Other blog through stub file (Advanced)
Blog Folder URL:
URL blog name / Stub name: a_stub.php

and here is what my a_stub.php file looks like:

 * This file is a stub file for displaying a blog, using evoSkins.
 * This file will set some display parameters and then let b2evolution handle
 * the display by calling an evoSkin. (skins are in the /skins folder.)
 * Note: You only need to use this stub file for advanced use of b2evolution.
 * Most of the time, calling your blog through index.php will be enough.
 * Same display without using skins: a_noskin.php
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2004 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * @package evoskins
 * @subpackage noskin

# First, select which blog you want to display here!
# You can find these numbers in the back-office under the Blogs section.
# You can also create new blogs over there. If you do, you may duplicate this file for the new blog.
$blog = 3;   	// 2 is for "demo blog A" or your upgraded blog (depends on your install)

# You could *force* a specific skin here with this setting: (otherwise, default will be used)
# $skin = 'basic';

# This setting retricts posts to those published, thus hiding drafts.
# You should not have to change this.
$show_statuses = array();

# You could *force* a specific link blog here with this setting: (otherwise, default will be used)
# $linkblog = 4;

# This is the list of categories to restrict the linkblog to (cats will be displayed recursively)
# Example: $linkblog_cat = '4,6,7';
$linkblog_cat = '';

# This is the array if categories to restrict the linkblog to (non recursive)
# Example: $linkblog_catsel = array( 4, 6, 7 );
$linkblog_catsel = array( );

# Here you can set a limit before which posts will be ignored
# You can use a unix timestamp value or 'now' which will hide all posts in the past
$timestamp_min = '';

# Here you can set a limit after which posts will be ignored
# You can use a unix timestamp value or 'now' which will hide all posts in the future
$timestamp_max = 'now';

# Additionnaly, you can set other values (see URL params in the manual)...
# $order = 'ASC'; // This for example would display the blog in chronological order...

 * That's it, now let b2evolution do the rest! :)

anyone have ANY idea why it is giving me a blank page?

2 Jul 29, 2005 15:09

Change the stub to index.php. If it continues to show you the folder index, then you may need an .htaccess file to make it show index.php.

5 Jul 29, 2005 16:50

just to make sure I am doing this right, all I needed to do was drop that stub file into the directory I want the blog to show in...change the variables, and it should work, right?

6 Jul 29, 2005 16:55

Yes, provided you do the variables correctly.

7 Jul 29, 2005 19:32

Try changing this line:


To this:


8 Jul 29, 2005 19:57

Kweb wrote:

Try changing this line:


To this:



thanks SO much!!

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