2 scott3107 Mar 15, 2006 09:54

You are the first to mention that there is a possibility of a timedifference of 0.5 hours..
So we'll include it on the todo list.
Thanks heaps.
I am in Adelaide, South Australia which is GMT +9.5
I checked my Timezones and its only Adelaide and India that have a 0.5 offset and Kathmandu apparently is 0.75 offset. Might be worth going down to .25 hr differences.
Thanks again!
Actually there's quite a few places with a half-hour offset from the 'official' version everyone thinks is the only version. Newfoundland is the example I always remember, but there are quite a few more. http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/world_tzones.html is a map that doesn't name names but does show where the half-hour places are, for those into it.
Please refer to this post for future remarks: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=34375
Well I am on and I still have the same problem :-( Is this going to be included in future releases?