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1 Aug 09, 2005 20:06    

Hi all. I have tried all to reverse some things I have done. Basically here is what happened: Noticed bunches of spam so went through implementing some antispam techniques.

Change the htsrv directory name and conf file the references it.
Added code to htaccess file.

Have since reverted htaccess back to what it was.

Blog works just fine and dandy but my Mac widget can no longer access the feed. You probably wont be able to either:
**edited by author** fixed by reinstalling

Don't know where else I could have goofed this up... any ideas?

2 Aug 09, 2005 20:39

Bloglines can subscribe to your feed just fine. I was looking at the xml source and noticed that you have some whitespace at the beginning of the file. That might be messing you up. Try getting rid of it.

3 Aug 09, 2005 20:40

What antispam tricks have you done? Specifically! Ignore the .htaccess stuff if you've undone it (and you're sure you've undone it completely). AFAIK most of the antispam stuff won't touch your feeds, so what other hacks and mods have you done?

Here's why I'm asking: I just noticed my feeds died even though it looked like they were in there. Turns out it wasn't any antispam thingie - it was my hack for tracking how many hits any given post has gotten. By not plugging appropriate data into the log_hit function via rss the feed was broken. Why that is I have no clue, but that's the way it was.

4 Aug 09, 2005 20:55

some whitespace at the beginning of the file. That might be messing you up. Try getting rid of it.

Not sure where I would even look for this white space.

As far as hacks specifically.. the only other thing I have done is replaces the b2 antispam file with the one... but that was after the RSS feed issue.

I am new to RSS and this blog thing so please bear with me. I havent done any other hacks. Should I restore the old antispam file? Bascially what I did yesterday was block comments from being accessed elsewhere... and did not realize that it might affect my widget.

Also, i purged the evo_hitlog ... for a new blog it was running incredibly slow

5 Aug 09, 2005 21:54

What happened to your link back to b2evolution?

6 Aug 09, 2005 22:00

I've been working with the look and feel... happy to put it back but I am just trying to get it working right.

7 Aug 09, 2005 22:27

Ok I have been messing with this for most of the day. From what I can tell, Firefox will post the RSS Data when the URL is put in ... but if I try the same with Safari I ge the following error:

Safari can’t open the page “...”. The error was: “unknown error” (NSURLErrorDomain:-1) Please choose Report Bug to Apple from the Safari menu, note the error number, and describe what you did before you saw this message

and of course the widget cannot access the feed either.

my htaccess file ony has the following:

# Apache configuration for the blog folder

# this will select the default blog template to be displayed
# if the URL is just .../blogs/
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

# this will make register globals off in b2's directory
# just put a '#' sign before these three lines if you don't want that
<IfModule mod_php4.c>
php_flag register_globals off

# If you're using Apache 2, you may wish to try this for clean URLs:
# AcceptPathInfo On

I am not certain what else to look for. The only other thing I have done is changed the antipsam file as stated above... other than that?? I'm lost.

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