2 rhalevy Aug 10, 2005 16:01

Thanks, but that doesn't work for me. I can blog through e-mail, but e-mail from my phone is more expensive than just the couple of cents it costs me to send an SMS txt message. (Except on weekends when SMS txts are free!)
I am also able to access SMS when I am roaming almost anywhere in the world, whereas I can't do that with e-mail.
Elpie wrote:
Thanks, but that doesn't work for me. I can blog through e-mail, but e-mail from my phone is more expensive than just the couple of cents it costs me to send an SMS txt message. (Except on weekends when SMS txts are free!)
I am also able to access SMS when I am roaming almost anywhere in the world, whereas I can't do that with e-mail.
I am pretty sure that you can find a free service that let you send SMS to an e-mail.
you can open an gmail e-mail and then change the settng to FORWARD EVERY E-mail to that adress...and it will publish your blog ;)
"medya" wrote:
Elpie wrote:
I am pretty sure that you can find a free service that let you send SMS to an e-mail.
Not in my part of the world :(
you can open an gmail e-mail and then change the settng to FORWARD EVERY E-mail to that adress...and it will publish your blog ;)
Last I looked, gmail would not work with e-mail -> blog. Has that changed?
I said gmail as an example
for example Blogs in blogger send an e-mail to "theirusername@blogger.com" and it publishs the e-mail in the blog.
there are simmilar serviecs (that you may find for b2) that you send e-mail and it publishes the e-mail as a post in your blog.
if you can find a service(I mysefl saw some of them) that can send your SMS to an eMaiL then you can do that...
(send the sms to e-mail , the e-mail should forward it automaticly to the blog service)
to send yoour post by e-mail to b2evolation blogs read this
now you have to find a service that let you send SMS to an e-mail
than set your e-mails settting to -FORWARD EVERY E-MAIL WHICH IS SENT TO IT to the adress that is explained in
b2evolution has the ability to be updated via e-mail.
What I am looking for is a way to update straight from SMS txt messaging.
As I said, there are no free SMS to e-mail gateways that will work with phones from my part of the world (this is something I have spent months working on and checking out).
I'm not looking at this stage for a work-around, as I could implement blogging by e-mail if that is what I wanted, but if someone could come up with a way to actually blog directly from SMS it would be really good. I have several clients who have asked me about this feature and it would be great to be able to offer it to them.
I don't think it is possible to do it "directly" without some sort of gateway, simply because the SMS protocol is designed to work between phone numbers, and there's no way to assign a phone number to a software application.
If someone were to make it work, it would have to be built on the SMS side (such as someone creating a feature of SMS that would post the message to a URL, similar to the SMS-to-eMail gateways), not on the b2evolution side. There's nothing you can do in a software application to "capture" messages from the SMS network.
Disclaimer: I am not an expert on SMS or phone systems. This is just my understanding of how it works.
SMS can be done. MMS already is (see http://gnbi.com/blog/?p=202#comments) with WordPress and I have seen sites using MMS for sending photos directly from phones to websites, so I know it can be achieved, I just don't know how to do it myself.
Hmm - looks like you may be right. I did a little searching and have seen references to sending SMS to a URL instead of a telephone number, but I can't figure out a way to do it with my phone (a Blackberry serviced through Cingluar). If that is possible, then it seems like a simple hack to receive a SMS and post it to a blog.
The ability to send SMS to a URL may still be phone and/or provider dependant, though.
at least with T-mobile USA i know you can use SMS to send emails im not sure how
But you might also want to try this guys solution till you figure that out