2 plam Aug 14, 2005 23:28

I posted a long article yesterday about modifying the _formatting.php file to accept OBJECT, PARAM and EMBED. However, it has been deleted :o( Ask moderators...
1 possibility : the forum has been changed from one server to another.
So at one point we needed to make a backup and restore it..
Can it be that it was at that moment ?
We do not delete posts 'because it's fun deleting'...
I would never say things are deleted for fun. My post was recorded yesterday evening (CET), I don't know if it's in the right timeframe... Anyway, if it's useful I could try to re-write it (but it's long)... Don't have time right now.
Not only _formatting.php has to be changed for passing the html_checker but there are some rendering problems too.
This is wat I've been done:
- making available of object, param & embed elements (including attr. and uri-check) in _formatting.php
- workaround for uri check "value" attr in _class_html_checker.php (check for this attr. disabled)
- added "param" to self closing elements in _functions.php (function balanceTags)
- preventing <p> rendering within object, param & embed in _auto_p.renderer (function autop)
- workaround for smilies (smilies are rendered within attr. values, bug?): disabled smilies in smilies.conf.php
After this I can post the following flash code:
<object class="right" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="250" height="230" title="Puzzle">
<param name="movie" value="" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<embed src="" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="250" height="230"></embed>
Details follow........
hi plam
read about your coment how to display Quicktime in b2evo.
Just hoping that you are still around.
To post your offered solution and details how to make the 15 hacks.
What iam looking for is a Quicktime player on the main screen.
Not SWF because i want to post video mp4 3gp files over the mobile .
Witch need some control .
aktivated the MMS.php with works great but with no video it would be a bit of a mess.
some aditional idea would be that the hack recognise if the file is a video or a pic or a sound file to chouse the control .
I cant (dont want to add html tags on the mobile phone.
So it shoud go easy :)
Thanks for any help
I'm working on a good hack for flash files using object and embed. I think it's the same for Quicktime movies.
It is however complicated and affects 5 core files (15 places hacked).
It works perfect with Moz-FF1.06, IE6, NN7.1 and Opera 7.5. I need some time to make a good description....