2 edb Aug 12, 2005 16:35

Yep... I am using the Magpie - but these 'seem' to be generic errors 'with' an error that was shown in the _magpierss.php file which gave the message "Houston, we have a problem" -
I have no problem editing this message... I will look in the magpie files to see if there is anything.
But they appear to look like the same errors you get if you put in bad code and you see an error on your site because of it. I figured it may be generic somewhere but what do I know.
UPDATE - able to shorten the error coming from the magpie (rss_fetch.inc)
But the error that is stretching across my page is this:
(HTTP Response:
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found)
In /home/coldhart/public_html/skins./3_column/rss_fetch.inc
on line 238 -
It is the long string of my file path that stretches across the page. This appears to be called from somewhere outside of magpie.
Which rss reader hack are you talking about? There are a couple of them in the plugins and hacks forum. You should ask your question there, and give a bit more detail about the error statement. Chances are the error is coming from whatever hack you used, so you would have to look there for an answer. For example if you used my "MagpieRSS" hack then you would have to look in the files that came from Magpie for that error and what generates it, then possibly change a parameter to stop the error from showing up... or change it's style... or it's content?