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1 Aug 15, 2005 11:28    

Just a simple question from a newbie.

I want to set up a (php?) blog for my site, a single blog that I can create and add content for. I would like others to be able to post content to the blog as well but not edit/delete my content.

I have looked at b2evolution but it would appear that once I give a user aceess they can edit the content I have posted.

Am I doing something wrong?



3 Aug 15, 2005 14:57

b2e gives you a lot of control over what the users can edit, delete, view, etc. You should not have much trouble setting up multiple users who can post to your weblog but not edit each other's posts. The admin can keep that right to him or herself.

You set this all up in the back office under the Blogs tab and then Permissions.

4 Aug 15, 2005 18:02

I want to set up a (php?) blog for my site, a single blog that I can create and add content for. I would like others to be able to post content to the blog as well but not edit/delete my content.

If you only ever want one blog then, create a blog for yourself, give yourself whatever access rights you want, create a seperate blog for each person that you want to be able to post to "your" blog, give them whatever access rights they require for their blog.

Then just set blog all as the default blog and it'll amalgamate all the various blogs into one blog.


5 Aug 15, 2005 18:10

So lets say you give yourself blog2 (and blog3 for your linkblog). Now you give 5 friends their own blog - blogs 4 through 8). You set up the permissions on blog 4 so that only the first friend and the admin can edit or delete. Repeat that for the other blogs and other bloggers. Now they can edit their own stuff but not stuff in your blog, or other people's blogs.

If you give everyone permission to post in all the blogs AND permission to edit stuff then they will be able to edit any post in any blog they have permission in. THAT is when you would want my hack.

The easiest way is to give them each a blog and NOT give them permission to edit or delete anything. Tell them if they need to edit then they will have to ask you to take care of it for them, and beat them up severely for ruining your day when they become pests :lol:

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