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1 Aug 15, 2005 18:13    

I installed b2 yesterday
but I constantly got the error below, then I have to wait or refresh the page.
What can I do ?

MySQL error!

Server shutdown in progress(Errno=1053)

MySQL error!

Error establishing a database connection!

1. Are you sure you have typed the correct user/password?
2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
3. Are you sure that the database server is running?

2 Aug 15, 2005 18:36

b2 or b2evolution? They are two different programs. The second part of the error looks like a b2evolution thing, so I'm guessing you've installed b2evolution.

What about the three questions it asks you? Do you have a database that you are connecting to (in your conf/_config.php file) correctly?

I would also start talking to your host about this. I've never seen anyone report an error in these forums like the one you have. "Server shutdown in progress" sounds pretty severe!!!

3 Aug 15, 2005 18:51

Yes, it is b2volution installation at sometimes the page is displayed sometimes it is not.
Other DBs are running on this server and they are working fine.

May be, I should reinstall ?

4 Aug 15, 2005 19:03

Interesting problem ya got there! I first tried to visit and got nothing - just a browser that kept acting like it was working, but nothing ever showed up. I shut the window down and tried again, and got your blog loaded immediately. Very odd, but at least we know b2evolution is capable of running successfully. Problem is it is not running successfully every time. That's BAD!

You can give a re-installation a shot. Your database itself should be okay, so save that information (conf/_config.php). Drop all the tables (phpmyadmin is how I do that when I am playing around), delete all the b2evolution files from your server, and upload them from a fresh unzip. Oh and don't forget your xml-rpc patch!

If the problem continues you should talk to your host about the actual database. Explain what you've been through and see if they can explain why this is happening. I'm no expert, and I know very VERY little about databases, but I'm feeling like maybe the files can't always talk to the database. It tries but (sometimes) fails. In fact you might want to talk to the host first depending on your connection speed. Downloading a fresh zip then uploading all the files could take a long time if you are on a dialup like me :(

5 Aug 15, 2005 23:09

Ok, I removed everything and installed b2evolution again, now it works perfectly....;) I'm saved

6 Aug 15, 2005 23:41

Cool. Sometimes files get corrupted during installation. Not often, but it happens. Usually the results are really strange and hard to pin down, and overwriting all appropriate files seems to fix it.

I'm going to lock this thread since the issue is resolved.

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