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1 Aug 19, 2005 10:52    

Hello. I've had the program installed on my site ( for a month or so now but haven't started really using it until a couple of days ago. My two questions are probably pretty simple but this is my first blog software I've used...

First - How do I find out the link to my "write" page without having to log in to admin? I ask this because I want to add a few more contributors to my site and don't want to give them admin access.

Second - When I try to view my page stats, this error shows up:
MySQL error!

Can't open file: 'evo_hitlog.MYI'. (errno: 145)(Errno=1016)

Your query:
SELECT visitID, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(visitTime) AS visitTime, referingURL, baseDomain, hit_blog_ID, visitURL FROM evo_hitlog WHERE hit_ignore IN ('no') ORDER BY visitID DESC LIMIT 40

what does this mean?

Thanks in advance.

2 Aug 19, 2005 14:24

1. That's not really possible. You can give out a generic username and password and publish it on your site so that anyone can use it. If you do that, make sure you limit that users permissions so no one can edit the settings of your blog.

2. I'm not sure, but it sounds a little bit like something you may need to talk with your web host about.

3 Aug 20, 2005 07:10

thanks my web provider was able to fix the SQL error. :)

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