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1 Aug 19, 2005 00:53    

Greets all.

I'm looking for a way to check whether or not a user is logged in to B2Evo, and then decided whether or not to let them see certain areas of a website. As it is, I have multiple logins (one for a member's area, another for the blog), and it's just getting crazy, as you can imagine. :)

So, I already know what code I need to detect who a user is logged in as, if they are logged in at all, and I'm just going to use a simple php statement:

If (userid != goodperson1 or goodperson2)
tell them they aren't allowed to see this part
let them see the site

I have all the proper string info and such to get this to work, and I've actually implemented a somewhat similar system in a customized skin to allow for a "you are logged in as x", or 'you are not logged in" deal, so I know I have access to user login information.

The problem is knowing what file(s) I need to Include through PHP so that I have the proper information available to my other pages. (I.E. the current user login information.) I've searched and searched for what I need, but I just can't find it.

I hope I explained this well enough to be understood. :) Thanks for any help in advance! Oh, and I'm using (a very hacked version of) the latest B2Evo edition.


2 Aug 19, 2005 00:55


These are for pages OUTSIDE of B2Evo. For instance, I have two directories:


I need the pages in the Home directory to read the user login information in the B2Evo directory and respond accordingly.


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